Title: Right Now, Anywhere In The World
Rating: PG
Characters: OT6
Word Count: ~1400
Author's Notes: This was started way back when Junsu first got his Twitter, stalled when
biases wrote one
much better, and then put into motion again after all of 2PM officially became Twits.
Summary: Nichkhun, despite his (deeply inaccurate) agreeable and innocent image, never lets anyone forget that he was first to acquire, and continuously maintain, a Twitter.
Nichkhun, despite his (deeply inaccurate) agreeable and innocent image, never lets anyone forget that he was first to acquire, and continuously maintain, a Twitter.
Junsu gets a Twitter only after some extreme needling from Nichkhun.
There's lots of "Hyuuuuung!"-ing and pouting, and Junsu would have to be made of stone to ignore Khun's pleas-plus, he's always been one to give in easily to peer pressure and then regret the ramifications later. He even manages to fumble his way through a few of the start-up features on his own before having to ask Khun for help.
"It's fun, I promise!" Khun says, scooting back on Junsu's bunk. He's happy now that he's got his way, eyes scanning over the possible layout designs Junsu can choose from. "Plus, Kwon and Jinwoon and Changmin-hyung and I all use it! And you can practice your English!"
Junsu is about to point out that he can already practice with Nichkhun (or even Taecyeon) in person, which is probably much easier, but is interrupted by Wooyoung.
"Why are you speaking using so many exclamation marks?" he asks from the doorway. "You sound ridiculous."
"Do you want one too, Wooyoung-ah?" Nichkhun asks calmly, turning to raise an eyebrow at him.
Wooyoung wrinkles his nose and disappears quickly, and Nichkhun hums in satisfaction.
"Did you guys fight?" Junsu asks, watching curiously as Nichkhun navigates his way through the site with ease.
"He's a jerk."
Yes, then. Junsu decides to change tactics. "And why doesn't Wooyoungie want a Twitter?"
"Because he's not friendly at all and not that good at hiding it so it's good otherwise he'd probably scare away all our fans?" he offers instead, resolutely not looking up. Junsu considers this for a moment, applies it to Wooyoung, and immediately accepts it. That's pretty much Wooyoung.
Not Junsu, though. He's not going to be like that. He's going to update constantly, and he's going to have lots of followers, and he's going to do this right, and that does not involve getting in the middle of a war between his friends. He settles in further next to Nichkhun, rests his chin on his shoulder, and tries to direct his attention back to the task at hand.
"I want a different layout," he says, pointing at the screen. "And type this in the Bio…"
Junho's actually pretty proud of his username. He thinks it's pretty witty, better than Junsu's gangsta-speak and Nichkhun's predictable nickname/birthdate combination, and even though most of his non-Korean speaking fans message him wanting to know what the hell it means (oppa, wat ur name say???? ^^), he still likes it a lot.
He's kind of morbidly fascinated by his number of followers, though. He tries not to be, really, he does, but he can't help it, and every time he logs in, he checks to see how many he has, cataloguing his Twitter's growth in his head, comparing it to the other members and wondering-are his posts entertaining enough? Are the people who were following his last account following his new one? Should he post the picture he just took, or is it too real for those who expect constant perfection? What if he offends someone with a random comment and they stop liking him?
Junho remembers now why he was quite happy to let it go last time.
The possibilities are endless.
Taec figures he might as well. The fans seem to love Nichkhun and Junsu's accounts, and they always ask when everyone else is going to get one, and he's bored, so, really, he may as well.
He calls it the first thing that comes to mind, and keeps all the default settings. For the first few hours, he visits the Twitters of everyone he knows, spamming them with THIS IS REALLY ME, ADD ME NOONA/HYUNG requests, in English and Hangul, not forgetting to be at least a little bit obnoxious to some of the girls, calling them sexy and adding little winking emoticons. (He does it to Seulong, too, in a private message, but that's their business and no-one else's.)
He gets bored after a bit and wishes someone interesting would come and play, but when no-one does he forgets all about it until Nichkhun mentions it again a few days later, and then there's a whole long list of people to harass.
(Jay's account stays open for days in a hidden tab. Taecyeon's cursor hovers over the Follow button more times than he can count, before he reduces the tab again and it goes back to its little home in the corner of his screen.)
Wooyoung's Twitter finally comes into being simply so that Khun and Namyong-hyung will finally shut the hell up.
"It'll be good publicity just before your concert," Namyong-hyung promises.
"It'll be good to keep in contact with our fans," Nichkhun tells him.
Wooyoung privately thinks that whoever was going to come to their concert would probably know about it by now, and that they already keep in enough contact with their fans, thanks-the ones camping outside their dorm are testament to that.
But he lets Namyong-hyung drag him to a computer and set up an account for him, anyway, and then immediately sends Nichkhun a curt message, letting him know that he can stop bugging me now. He's disgusted by the love heart- and smiley face-filled text he gets in return.
Wooyoung may give in and get a Twitter, but he tortures Nichkhun by not using it for days. When he finally does update (the word 'tweet' used in this context is ridiculous and he refuses to use it, even if it is the preferred nomenclature), he may be slightly bitter and grumpy at having to be awake so late at night, and he may actually be using modern technology to passive-aggressively complain about their schedule, but he's pretty sure that the mere fact that he's posting and the ^^s he adds on the end are enough to distract anyone from its actual content.
Chansung makes the mistake of leaving his phone in lounge room when hunger pains interrupt the enjoyment of finally setting up his Twitter. He isn't gone long, just enough to migrate to the kitchen and microwave some ramyun, but he knows immediately when he gets back that something is wrong.
"Hyung," he says slowly, eyeing Taecyeon suspiciously, "what did you do?"
Taecyeon looks up from the floor, where his laptop is placed directly next to Chansung's phone, and tries to look innocent. "What? Me, nothing." But his eyes slide in the direction of the phone and he can't contain a snicker, and Chansung jumps over him and snatches up his phone, flicking through his open programs until he sees it-a new Twitter entry, where there hadn't been one before. His first entry, and it hasn't even been made by him. His first entry, and it says-
"Hyung!" he cries, glaring at Taecyeon, who is literally rolling on the floor with laughter.
"Congratulations, Chansungie," Nichkhun yells down the corridor.
"On what, giving in or coming out?" Taecyeon calls back. He dodges the first cushion Chansung throws at him, but the second one hits him square in the face, not that he stops laughing long enough to notice.
Chansung flops down onto the couch, as far away from Taecyeon as possible, and briefly wonders whether to delete the entry, but it's probably too late. Some of his more… dedicated fans have no doubt already seen (and screencapped) it. It takes only a moment, though, for him to add an addendum, and then another minute to flick through his pictures and pick and post one he knows will distract everyone-it's dorky, but it's cute, and fans seem to like that kind of thing.
And so, in less than ten minutes, Chansung already has his first three Tweets, and he's pretty sure all of them are far more epic than anyone else's. He supposes he should thank Taecyeon, but Junho's come in to lie next to him and they're watching their advance copy of Hearty Paws 2, so Chansung takes the opportunity to throw himself on top of them, using Junho's ass as a pillow.
Junho just grunts, used to these sudden attacks, and Chansung wiggles around to get more comfortable, watching as his list of followers goes up by the minute.
He has a hard life, sometimes.