Seeing as everyone is asking about my penis...
I dug out a photo of me from a few years back, when I was in New York. My penis actually unrolled as I crossed the street.
I got the worst gravel rash.
Now don't JUDGE me, it was COLD, all right? It doesn't look that big, I know, and you're all going to *yawn* and be all "Oh, I've seen bigger" when I KNOW that is bullshit, because there is no penis in existence that big.
Except mine, obviously.
Apart from that, I think I actually look pretty good in this photo. :> I was having *such* a bad hair day, too.
Uh... so, as a troll, I guess I should fulfill my duty and express my deep seated loathing of the fandom and the BNF's? Perhaps smear the fandom's name a little more?
(Is this possible?)
Slash is teh gei. Gei is teh ev0l? Hmm, no. Slash-hate so passe.
And I don't hate slash in the slightest.
I do hate the hierarchy system, though. Since when do you have to be *good* at things to be popular? Sheesh. In MY world, the people with the biggest penises are the most popular.
In this fandom, you have to do fanart, or write *good* fic.
Now those fic reccer BNF's, now THAT is the way to go. Like
flipknife or
swapblade or whatever. Wait. Do they even write stuff? I don't know.
Well nor do I care.
Who needs to be good at stuff when you can just sit around reading fics all day, and post a few links in your journal if the fics are any good?
I still say that the entire fandom should take up MY political system. She with the biggest penis, wins.