because your body craves what it needs. so i suppose your body is in great need of grease and saturated fat and pig skin. hehe still want bacon? *^_^* (p.s. this was not some vegetarian rant. i like bacon too. turkey bacon. doesn't make you fat.) :D
Bacon is very good... I especially like Gwaltney beef bacon. It's very greasy though. But you should indulge a little bit. Like... chocolate or something. You should also get some hydrocodone.
well they were better at first =D now that the first one has worn off, the second one is not working fast enough, if you know what i mean ^_^. i had a good time at the dr.'s office though. the people were great and i was totally oblivious for about two hours after it was over =D. how'd your moving go today? did you get your furniture done?
Comments 10
it was probably just a protein thing. I made a couple eggs and it went away=)
yeah, don't forget to take those on time! I hope you're not feeling it too badly, and it's good to hear that everything went smoothly.
remember your dreams? ^^
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