Mar 31, 2007 19:05

[ So, I got this crazy idea in my head when I was uploading pictures off my digital camera. Naota was enthusiastic as ever at the last match, you know. A regular photojournalist, my brother. Thought you'd like to hear about it, though. You have a few minutes you could spare for your partner~? ☆]

Hey, uh, An-chan, sorry I left so abruptly, earlier. Nothin' personal, cutie. ;)

Man, seems like I'm in high demand, lately. Seii-chan, you mind if I cut out of practice a bit early sometime next week and hop over to the girls' practice?

Oh, right - guess I should introduce myself, too - been a while since I've seen some of you. I'm Marui Bunta. ☆
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