(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 02:43

Confrontation777: *singing bad 80's balads really loud in nothing but Jack O' Lantern panties*
Confrontation777: I had a bad day. This is how I'm fixing it. :-)
Confrontation777: How was your day?
FunkyFairy777: this is not rachel, this is tristan, but my day was good
Confrontation777: ...
Confrontation777: Well.
Confrontation777: Hello.
Confrontation777: ...I'm not a freak I swear.
Confrontation777: :-)
Confrontation777: Why is it that every time I open with a line like that, it's not her?
FunkyFairy777: even if you were its all good, freaks are more fun
FunkyFairy777: haha
Confrontation777: Like... seriously.
Confrontation777: I swear once I opened with "I'm so pissed I want to kill puppies" or something and it was TOTALLY not her.
FunkyFairy777: yea things like that always happen, the one time you just start talking its someone else, that happens to me with the phone
FunkyFairy777: haha that is amazing
Confrontation777: It's okay though cause a lot of people there probably think I'm imaginary anyway.
Confrontation777: :-D
FunkyFairy777: haha
FunkyFairy777: ok i be off, i will tell her that you imed her
Confrontation777: Okay. :-)
Confrontation777: ...This is Rebekah, for the record...
Confrontation777: If you didn't know that.
FunkyFairy777: oh ok, no i didnt
Confrontation777: *shakes your hand*
FunkyFairy777: will you be coming up to visit some time soon?
Confrontation777: Hopefully.
FunkyFairy777: *shakes back* ive been in your house before, but you were not there
FunkyFairy777: excellent
Confrontation777: I was supposed to like, last weekend...
Confrontation777: but I had NO monies for it.
FunkyFairy777: boo
FunkyFairy777: i know the feeling
Confrontation777: I'm a starving artist. :-)
Confrontation777: You seem nice though.
FunkyFairy777: haha good times
Confrontation777: feel free to IM me on your own name some time.
FunkyFairy777: thankyou
Confrontation777: ...Maybe I won't be almost nude. :-)
FunkyFairy777: i will
FunkyFairy777: haha and maybe i will be
Confrontation777: *dances*
Confrontation777: Woot.
FunkyFairy777: yay!
FunkyFairy777: but yea i was at your house for a while when i went home with rachel for a weekend
Confrontation777: It was nice chatting either way.
Confrontation777: Woot.
FunkyFairy777: but you were not there
FunkyFairy777: you 2
Confrontation777: You should come with her sometime that I'm... home.
Confrontation777: ...Like... In the house.
Confrontation777: :-)
FunkyFairy777: haha yes
FunkyFairy777: do you have an LJ?
Confrontation777: Yes.
Confrontation777: Morbid777
Confrontation777: I comment on her thing a lot.
FunkyFairy777: excellent, i will have to find you through reachel and add you
FunkyFairy777: ok
Confrontation777: :-)
FunkyFairy777: i am treebeast
Confrontation777: I also have a Myspace due to my college friends here. :-P
FunkyFairy777: ahhh i have one 2 but almost never use it
Confrontation777: :-)
Confrontation777: I use it to show people who the Hell I am.
FunkyFairy777: i dont update my LJ as it is, yes it is nice for that
FunkyFairy777: but i am lazy
FunkyFairy777: so the pics are old
FunkyFairy777: from the summer old
Confrontation777: Mine are from two years ago, dude.
Confrontation777: :-)
FunkyFairy777: haha ok you win
FunkyFairy777: and 80s balads are amazing
Confrontation777: http://www.myspace.com/morbidofmorbidrainbow

Confrontation777: ...Course my main one is me during Halloween...
Confrontation777: All the way to the left is me. ...and then in there somewhere is one actually as... well... myself.
FunkyFairy777: sweet!
Confrontation777: I do make up. :-)
FunkyFairy777: excellent
FunkyFairy777: yay for scars
Confrontation777: :-)
FunkyFairy777: hey its rachel now
FunkyFairy777: i jsut came up to see what the hell was taking him so long :P
Confrontation777: ...I made a fool of myself and I'm trying to cover it by being all "yeah... I'm cool... this happens."
FunkyFairy777: you still in your undies :PPPPP
FunkyFairy777: :-)
FunkyFairy777: lol
FunkyFairy777: he was highly amused
Confrontation777: YOU LOVE ME SHUT UP
Confrontation777: :-)
FunkyFairy777: i do love you
FunkyFairy777: especially because of comments like that
Confrontation777: ...I'm tempted to post this entire thing in my LJ. Just do an LJ cut with the headline "I'm a fool"
FunkyFairy777: dooo it
FunkyFairy777: heheehe
Confrontation777: I shall!
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