Yeah..I don't fucking believe him..
Shadowdemon Hiei: shannon will you marry me
ShadowMoon89: What..
Shadowdemon Hiei: this is alans friend he went to the bathroom :-P sorry couldnt resist
ShadowMoon89: >< God you fucker I think I just had a heart attack
Shadowdemon Hiei: lol sry again wait he's coming back
ShadowMoon89: Uh Huh - -..
Shadowdemon Hiei: sorry about my friend -_-
ShadowMoon89: ::Sighs:: Its fine..>< If that was really you I was about to like die or something
ShadowMoon89: I mean like >< Die in a good way
Shadowdemon Hiei: i see
Shadowdemon Hiei: alright
Shadowdemon Hiei: ^_-
ShadowMoon89: Heh..
ShadowMoon89: Thats what my dream was ><
Shadowdemon Hiei: me proposing?
ShadowMoon89: Yeah..It was werid
ShadowMoon89: ::Sighs:: That was scary ::Plays with her hair::
Shadowdemon Hiei: well in that case :: he looks into her eyes :: shannon, will you marry me?
ShadowMoon89: ::Smirks:: Stop playing around
Shadowdemon Hiei: im not playing :: he looks at her serious ::
ShadowMoon89: Alan...::Looks back into his eyes::...Yes
Shadowdemon Hiei: :: he smiles happier than he ever has in his life as he kissed her passionatly :: thank you....
ShadowMoon89: ::Blushes:: No..Thank you ::Hugs him::