So i'm skipping out and going to sleep early tonight. 14 hours of work should be enough for one night eh? Doing fairly well in terms of progress on the two books (got two and a half more pages for sequential, and i knocked out 1/3rd of my survival book this weekend, only 11 more pages to go on that
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Ha, and now I shall kill your internet connections! Seriously though , if you have an issue with loading your friends page because of this dump, tell me and i'll edit it, but for now I'm gonna be lazy.
Seriously. I didn't realize just how much until a few moments ago. Survival teacher basically had us do a Gantt chart, basically a schedule of the next 4 weeks, and well... You can see for your selves.
S= Illustration Tools: Survival, Seq= Sequential. Arrows denominate that the next task is Dependant on the previous' completion.
So, all is not well in the internet realm. Most of my daily ritual sites have been hacked by The Chans. Questionable Content now links to some dinosaur comic, and Deviantart, well.. Lets just say everybody's icons have been stealthily changed
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So finals month has kicked in.. Which means WTFSTRESSINGBALLS time. Which is by all means not a great time to be having an artistic identity crisis. Which, I am having, and I want to throw something and/or take a nail gun to my head Patrick Bateman style
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So I went to the new Perv venue last night and I have to say, it's an improvement. I really love the place; the retro room is a nice retreat from the main room when you get sick of all the crappy VNV nation
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