So I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself. I have this entire rant worked out in my head, I just need to type it up and post it. But I aint gonna. I'll just feel like a giant tool about it tomorrow. It's the sort of thing best saved for 2 am when the demons come out to mock you.
Pardon the bad photos, they were taken at work with the sun streaming unfortunately in. I had just gotten it and these are the box opening pics because I was too excited to wait.
So they delivered the box, right? And I look at it and cant believe how small it is.
But then I open it and pull this little runt out. his name is TenTen, because he's a 10". I am very creative, I know.
Aww, he's still in his condom.
Comparison shot of how dwarfed he is by my work keyboard.
And hey, he has a wee bag as well. Its just barely larger than my hand bag. I am sad that TenTen doesn't fit in the handbag, but I realise that as handbags go, it's pretty tiny. And yet full of so much crap. The mind boggles.
And now, taking a leaf from a couple of people on my flist, I will post my writing commitments and attempt to shame myself into actually working on them.
1. SPN/J2 Big Bang - 5 500/20 000 - the idea is starting to look more than a little ridiculous, but I am forcing onwards.
2. Paperlegends Big Bang - 512/30 000 - shut it, sign ups only went up yesterday.
3. AU Big Bang - 0/ 15 000 - waiting for sign ups to start.
4. 2010 Nano original YA - 2 000/90 000 - Recently started editing (that's the 2k part). Stands at 50k and needs another 40k added to it. Also to have 3 earlier chapter completely rewritten.
5. 2009 Nano Weregoat fic - 0/30 000 - I tried editing, but my 2009 writing is horrifying. I will have to start from scratch if I have any hope of saving it.
So, 185 000 words in the next 6 months. *scratches head* Yeah, no, you're right; best to give it up for a bad job and go play The Sims. Then again, 1 000 words a day, everyday, will get me there. But the lazy will get me first.