... and also leap on the chance to reiterate my bad example: Having to be referred for cartlage surgery on my right knee and at effin last the physio on my left foot that would have probably nipped all this in the bud a decade ago.
Ten years of back and knee pain, just because I ignored a sprained big toe.
Now, get yerself an MMORPG for ya 360 and park ya carcass on that couch!
Comments 2
2) Upon reading, I lost several precious moments trying to figure out what an "endo fleg" might be.
... and also leap on the chance to reiterate my bad example: Having to be referred for cartlage surgery on my right knee and at effin last the physio on my left foot that would have probably nipped all this in the bud a decade ago.
Ten years of back and knee pain, just because I ignored a sprained big toe.
Now, get yerself an MMORPG for ya 360 and park ya carcass on that couch!
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