The Ghetto Mating Ritual

Jan 31, 2005 10:53

For the last decade or so we have seen a huge increase in the amount of "urban" culture that has leaked its way into the mainstream.  Now, that urban culture is the mainstream and is characterized by the rappers, R&B singers, and Hip-hop "artists" that have flooded the entertainment industry.  Due to mass media, including such channels as MTV, BET ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

moltag January 31 2005, 09:43:10 UTC
Tell it like it is, Mord.

My favorite step in the mating ritual would have to be the rejection "Talk to the hand" stage.

As I am now living in a place that is torn between wanting to be Nelly and Billybob, I have witnessed a permutation or two to this cycle. Though the underlying structure is the same, the redneckoid subspecies of homo notblackus adds a few steps or two to the process. This includes 1) holding the door for a prospective female while eyeing her bootie, 2) vocalizing mating calls such as "SUUUUUUEEEEY!" and 3) displaying the male's incredible oral hygene (eg. his one (1) tooth). The female variety of the North Carolinian homo notblackus also differs from the Miamian variety... by about three hundred pounds. ;)

Keep it up, Mord. Word.


christines_pen January 31 2005, 10:30:11 UTC
Once again, Mordant, you speak words of wisdom ^_^

and it was sooo much fun taking those really helped emphasize your point...

As a girl, I loathe ghetto guys...they are the worst any girl could hope for...and if a girl is stupid enough to fall for one, then they probably don't deserve better hehe



vulcanknight84 January 31 2005, 11:18:03 UTC
oddly enough most of the girls i've met totally go for the ghetto guys (i.e. the assholes) and leave everyone else in the dust. it sux uber-hard. what i really can't stand is when the ghetto guys are trying to talk to someone normally. it sounds like friggin' russian to me, and they always gotta throw in the "ye-ah!" and "what? WHAT?" like they're sooooo cool and..........*idea for rant* i'll save this for a posting later. thanx for the insipration 8)


qbnsuperman January 31 2005, 21:23:22 UTC
the werdinaety of the words which you have so gracefully worded are friggin werdtastic. I couldn't agree more as you know. I am not a fan of ghettoness. I enjoy proper grammar :-D


a comment from Steve anonymous February 3 2005, 23:47:28 UTC
Well, certainly the prevalence of the 'ghetto' mindset (keep in mind most of these guys wouldnt know the ghetto if it shot them in a drive-by) is problematic. My biggest problem with it is just how successful it seems to be. I've always tried to be a gentleman, but to no avail. I will never understand how women seem to prefer to be called 'bitches' rather than 'beautiful', or how a 'player/pimp' mentality, which is based on cheating(!!!), is so attractive. Them- Flashy import cars paid for by mom and/or dad (I dont give a shit how much money they pour into rims and headlights, no 20+ yr old has enough money or credit for some of the cars I see on the road), plenty of bling, the personality of a rinse cycle, and the reading level of Corky from Life Goes On. Me- A car I worked for and bought on my own, enough money saved (rather than spent on trendy clothes or systems to blast shitty one-note R&B) to treat any girl to the finest restaurants in Miami for a week, (according to others) a witty and funny personality, a 3.85 gpa (that isn't ( ... )


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