Title: The Epic Slash Filled Picspam
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Multiband [Elliot Minor/Empires/Wax On Radio/Bonus Hethertons]
Warnings: Eh. Incest? Not much…
Notes: I was surprised at the lack of slash pics I have. So I’ve changed it to a Jezzyspam and I use my imagination and leave funny comments. And also, DON'T skip the Empires and WoR bits! They
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Comments 3
I was seriously dying as I was reading your captions. Oh Alex and his bondage. And he has so many boyfriends, WHY SO SLUTTY ALEX? Although after seeing the most recent pics at minorslash, I think Minto is vying for Alex's SUPER GAY crown...
I actually think a really amazing epic tour would be these three bands. However, I think EM would scare them away with their gayness.
and Ed is just drop dead sexy
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