Title: The Last Time
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Bandom [Empires/The Academy Is.../w / cameos]
Tom Conrad/Andy Mrotek Summary: Andrew volunteers at the local cubs, where Curtis Conrad is the youngest.
Genre: AU/Angst
Warnings: swearing, violence, domestic abuse, age gap that's actually illegal in the US
Notes: [2362 words] written for
parachuteseeds ' birthday.
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Comments 7
anyway I looked at your LJ and it says you do weird pairing, so. but your tags are based off the title of your fics. hmmmmmmm, now can you tell me which one that have tom conrad there? have you written tomrad/william? if not, WRITE IT UP PLS
Pairings I write (that you would be interested in, I write a shit load of Elliot Minor fic):
-Tom Conrad/Mikey Russell [Empires/Suns]
-Tom Conrad/Teddy Hetherton [Empires/Elliot Minor}
I think that's about it, like I said, I mainly write Elliot Minor with cameos, this was a gift for a friend (:
Thanks for reading!
because tomrad is flexible.
ok thnks for the info, dude \o/
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