Title: Crocodile Tears [9/?]
Rating: R
Fandom: Bandom [Elliot Minor/Empires/Suns]
Pairing(s): So far,
Tom Conrad/
Mikey Russell Summary: Murder and abduction is never easy, but the Princes in the Tower case is turning out to be something else entirely. Alex Davies wasn't expecting this after the Bernstein case.
Genre: AU/Angst
Warnings: swearing,
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Comments 24
Omg Ali is Teddy's lawyer! I didn't see that one coming, me likes. I thought they had history together, hmmmmmmmm.
And history together? Explain your thoughts :D
Well I suppose it wasn't confirmed if it was Teddy that Ali was accusing of killing his own son... I just assumed. XD Now I don't know. Ali seems well-adjusted, HE MUST HAVE SOME KIND OF HORRIBLE DARK SECRET. So Rebecca was his first wife and he went missing around that time and Rebecca called ALEX for help... SO ALEX KNOWS SOMETHING I DO NOT.
In relation to the WOR story.
I can't decide whether to make Anne all sweetness and light or have her, like, fronting a rock band, and everyone think she's all sweet (she made Richard name their nephew (on both sides, their siblings were married to each other) heir, so I think she definitely had a strong side...).
That's my first problem XD
A friend and I once attempted to give an old AliSim a wife in The Sims 2, like, years ago because he kept bitching he wanted to be married. They'd been married for about five Sim days and had a daughter before she died.
Because she couldn't figure out how to feed herself and kept cancelling any action she was given to go COOK SOMETHING to bitch about how hungry she was.
Then Christine got taken away by social services because Ali left her in the house by herself (he was at work).
/end random comment
And haha, you wait and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D
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