blah blah blah.

Nov 17, 2005 20:23

i am so proud of myself, after talking and talking about it, and buying lots of clothes that have never seen the light of day i have finally am selling stuff on ebay. yay ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sugaronme November 18 2005, 08:36:19 UTC
Wentworth Miller is one of the most beautiful human beings ever created. I'm not looking forward to Christmas either.


more_and_more November 18 2005, 17:40:50 UTC
i just want to lick him


mirror_window November 18 2005, 08:54:13 UTC
Well i'm not going to be home a lot of the christmas season but for that time which i am we are getting drunk together look forward to that.


more_and_more November 18 2005, 11:53:48 UTC
drunker than cutie skunks


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