greystrata, what would I ever do without you?
G: fuckin' a
G: there's this band -- gingning boys?
ME: wut?
G: wait
G: let me look for them
G: here
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=88110763G: ging nang boyz
G: whichever
G: apparently a lot, if not all, of their videos are like
G: boners and squirting all around
G: it's amazing
G: I saw one just the other day
ME: what?
ME: ...
G: it was fifteen minutes long
G: and it was all about japanese sexual repression
ME: what the shizzit...?
ME: flippin' japenis?
G: exactly!
G: seriously
G: I've never seen THAT MANY BONERS and THAT MUCH SQUIRTING in any video in my life
In another convo,
ME: i dont think it's a duck per se
G: aw why?
ME: er i dunno
ME: the bill is pretty pointy
G: you have a point
G: do you have anything else?
G: bill looks ducklike enough to me
ME: no... :P
ME: you're the bird girl
G: I'm the bone girl