(no subject)

Mar 27, 2008 10:52

It's long... I'm cutting.

Life has been quite mediocre lately. My dad and I got in a fight over the dumbest thing yesterday, but it went too far and he accused me of being a hypocrite and close-minded because I got upset that he was mad I assumed he would take my mom to the Paul Taylor Dance Company at the Landmark Theatre last night. That sentence was really confusing. I'll slow down and explain. I got these tickets last week to the PTDC at the Landmark. They were super cheap and at the time, Nikki had said she would try to get the night off so that she could go with me. She forgot, so I asked my mom and she was super excited about it, because she doesn't get to go out and do stuff a lot (because my dad's lame). Then I realized that Wednesday nights were the nights that I babysat until 7 30 and the concert was at 8. I was worried that it was general admission, and that we'd be stuck in the last row. So I told my mom maybe she and my dad could go instead. He said, "what's happening?" because he doesn't really listen, but he heard his name. So, a tad jokingly, I asserted that he and my mother were going to the dance concert and he got all mad because I was telling him where to go. I said he was over-reacting, and then he got mad because I "couldn't understand why he was mad." Then he asked me how I would feel if all of a sudden he told me I was going to a country music concert tonight. [which, in my opinion, is a bad analogy, because I have plenty of experience with country music, and my dad has no clue about Paul Taylor. Also, if it would make my mom happy to take her and it was free and I had nothing else to do that night, I for sure would take my mom to a country music concert.]. So when I hesitated because I wanted to think about it for a second. my dad seized the opportunity, calling me a hypocrite and accusing me of being close-minded. I went off on him, because he was basically attacking me because I tried to give him free tickets. I left and haven't really spoken to him in about 24 hours. I wouldn't be upset except that he called me close-minded and I really have to disagree.

Anyway, it was all mute anyway, because when I went to school to pick up the tickets I found out that it *wasn't* general admission, and after calling the woman I babysit for, she said she should be home just around 7:30, which gave me just enough time to swing home to pick up my mom and get downtown for the show. My dad was nice enough to drop us off and pick us up, but not nice enough to respond to me when I said thanks for giving us a ride. Whatev-skees. On to the show.

Watching the Paul Taylor Dancers made me realize how much I love dance. I'm just fascinated with exaggerated movement and abstract representation to get across a point, or make an ugly idea beautiful. The second dance was about war, and with Michael about to be deployed, it hit a little too close to home. It's weird how dances can be your favorite dance and the least enjoyable at the same time. So yeah, new goal is to see more dance. I've neglected it in the past, but hopefully that will change in the future.

There's really no way to get to this next point, so I'm just going to write it. A friend messaged me with a link to lego sweeney todd. You read correctly. Since I've been watching my nephew play lego star wars for the past 2 months, I'm loving the lego Sweeney.

image Click to view

Alright, kids. On to some iconing things.

Reply to this post, and I will pick four/five of your icons.
Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

vfd88 was nice enough to pick some for me...

Ummm. Yeah I made a bunch of icons from the office (US) pilot. This one was my fave but I think that as I make more, it might get replaced. Maybe it'll stay a while though. Jim's face is pretty perfect.

Ok, so this one is from around the Fall of '04, back in my old iconing days. It's more of an homage to music theory class back in high school, where we'd name our composition things like "Themes in the key of awesome." or if we hated a chorale piece we'd say it was written in the key of suck. So when I saw this strip, I had to make an icon out of it. plus, it's true. I do heart get fuzzy. Greatest comic strip ever.

This one is another old one that I'd basically forgotten about. It's an ode to my ridiculous Bill Cosby impersonation. Ya got ta eat the pudding-ga, guys. seriously.

I'm obsessed with Stephen Sondheim. as in a line of his music ("give us more to see" from Move On, Sunday) and his initials are tattooed on my wrist. I love this lyric from Pretty Women (Sweeney Todd) and I think that it's pretty fitting to describe Sondy himself. Plus I heart this pic of him because he's so young and brooding. Rowr.

Looking at all of these icons made me want to start kicking it into high gear with the icon making. When I got my laptop, I stopped using photoshop because I didn't have it (duh). But I just DLed it so hopefully new stuff will be made quite soon.

Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for the loyalty. I wanted to write about a quote I read and dissent and discourse among americans, but I'm pooped. I'll save it for another time.

I'm in the mood to listen to passion. yes.


PS formatting on rich text is a pain in the ass. I need to learn html, stat.

get fuzzy, paul taylor, sondheim, the office, music theory, icons, bill cosby, dad, pudding

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