Title: Quick Fiction
Rating: PG-13 (for language and light violence)
Pairing: Various
POV: Third person (Various centric)
Summary: 9 short drabbles based on various bands.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is fiction, nothing less, nothing more.
Original Post:
Here (friend-locked) 1. (Signing Bonus) - Bryan's pretty sure he should have read his contract more carefully, because he doesn't remember it saying anywhere, "Oh, and while you're filling in for their best friend and amazing guitarist, do you mind fixing this unrepairable and totally shattered band?".
2. (Responsibility) - When they're together, it's great, but when they're apart they make stupid decisions, and Gabe thinks maybe that's the problem.
3. (Regret) - It's not easy to watch them fight, but it's worse to hear it, and as Spencer curls into Jon's side for comfort he wonders what the fuck is happening to his band.
4. (Reminiscing) - He doesn't remember how it happened, exactly, but he knows now that his best friend is married and has a kid, and Patrick is kinda scared shitless.
5. (Bad Decisions) - When Ryan makes stupid decisions Brendon holds his tongue, but when he says he wants to quit the band Bren can't hold back and ends up beating the crap out of his no-longer-best friend.
6. (No Need For Love Songs) - When William sings the songs he wrote for her, they somehow transform from love songs to songs he hates and hopes to never hear again.
7. (Blame) - Marshall beat the shit out of himself the night Ian told them, because it has to be all his fault and Ian isn't making this decision on his own.
8. (The Quick-Fix) - Jon wishes he could fix this, make Brendon and Ryan okay and make Spencer happy again, but he's sure he can't, because Jon can't even fix himself, so what hope is there for him fixing someone else?
9. (The Wrong Kind Of Nostalgia) - Singer misses Ian, sure he does, but what he misses more is the idea of Ian and how happy that idea made everyone.