Auto response from BAKERSKATER44: my partners the man
holy christmas
im really a lot calmer than this it just. it's so weird. we beat lindy in the semis and then beat whitman in the finals and what the fuck? i asked billy when we were done who we were? bc all season i never saw this coming i was gonna be happy with
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attention readers: ya'll need to comment on this journal saying when you leave for college, k?
said request was inspired by liz informing me and jenna today that she leaves AUGUST EIGHTEENTH! i only come back july like 25th that gives me barely three weeks with my favorite girl before she goes away. but anyways. oof.
Auto response from M0RElikespells: " allie what happens when you get old? what changes from when youre so happy as a little kid to when you get old and you never seem happy? " - my subconcious
hotshotnick3: tits sag hotshotnick3: thats all i have to say