Title: ‘Tis the Season: Showing off!
Fandom: Doctor Who.
Rating: (G)
Time Period: Between seasons 5 and 6.
Summary: Time to show off!
Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the
F. A. Q.).
I wasn’t going to write more but I did!
This continues where
‘Tis the Season: Snowflakes! stopped.
All characters contained herein are the intellectual property of the BBC & Steven Moffat; I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by them.
“Here we are!” He gleefully announces, rubbing his hands together. “Time to show off!”
Amy stays on Rory’s lap, arms folded. “No.”
“Rory’s willing to do it.”
“Excuse me?” Rory sits straighter, balancing his wife on his lap. “When did I decide this?”
“Just now!” The Doctor picks the electric pink jumper from Amy’s lap. “Please, Amelia?” He holds it out to her.
“Appealing to my younger self won’t help.”
“Um, I never said I’d be seen wearing this outside the TARDIS.”
The Doctor drops the jumper onto her lap, ignoring Rory. “Fine,” he grumps, taking his Santa hat off. “I’ll go show off by myself.” He tucks the Santa hat back into a drawer and plops a fez onto his messy hair. He stalks down the stairs, his bottom lip protruding just a little, and his hand is just on the door handle ...
“Fine,” Amy calls.
He spins around, a bright smile curving his lips. “Rory too?”
Amy flushes a look toward her husband. “Rory,” she raises an eyebrow, daring him to argue, “too.”
Rory, reluctantly, nods.
“Righto!” The Doctor grins excitedly. “I’ll just see where we are!”
Amy simply picks the jumper up and looks at Rory. “Wanna swap?”
Rory shakes his head.
Meanwhile, the Doctor opens the door and peers out. Amy starts, the jumper stuck over her head, when the door suddenly shuts loudly. She pulls the jumper properly on. “Where are we?”
“I think,” the Doctor begins while slowly walking back towards them, “we’ll definitely need the jumpers.” He pulls his coat off the railing and shrugs into it, straightening the lapels once it’s settled
Amy nudges Rory who, with a (very audible) sigh, pulls his jumper on. The Doctor vanishes down the hall opposite the door, re-appearing moments later with two furry coats and thick woolly scarves; he hands them to Amy, who divides them between herself and Rory (who pulls his coat very firmly over his jumper).
“Are we all ready?” The Doctor asks when they’re all assembled by the door. Not waiting for an answer, he pulls it open.
Snow falls in through the slightly open door.