I feel I should warn everyone: ‘Tis the Season for 2012 is coming!
Run! Hide while you can!
For those unfamiliar with ‘Tis the Season, here’s what it is:
‘Tis the Season runs for the month of December and contains stories of any and all fandoms (this has included advertisements seen on television and a chess set), of any length. Usually, these stories are cute and funny; the characters aren’t necessarily right -- the stories are cute and funny!
‘Tis the Season stories usually come every second day except for the 20-29th where they’re every day.
Last year there was
a special prompt table, with prompts from everyone who reads this journal; this year, do you guys want one? I’ll put a poll below and it’ll stay open until the last day of this month.
If you want to add prompts, the comments will be screened.
Poll ‘Tis the Season prompt table!