Title: ‘Tis the Season: what's happened?
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: (G)
Time Period: After Amy and Rory have left.
Summary: The reindeer don't move.
Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the
F. A. Q.).
Woo --- a drabble; I so rarely write true drabbles of 100 words! It's also the first part of a story; I'm just trying to get events of it sorted in my head. Because, y'know, I couldn't resist Geoff and eggnog!
All characters contained herein are the intellectual property of the BBC & Steven Moffat; I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by them.
The appearance of the TARDIS hadn't caused the reindeer to move; they still graze around it. Nor had the appearance of half the TARDIS in snow caused them to move. The Doctor shrugs, pulls his coat close, makes sure the bow tie's tied and straight before he looks around.
Then blinks because he's recognised a figure sitting under a nearby tree, on the snow. There's a hiccup as the Doctor comes closer and then screws up his nose.
“Eggnog, Geoff? Really?”
The bottle, instead, is offered.
The Doctor shakes his head and sits next to his friend. “What happened?”