Title: ‘Tis the Season: she curtsies
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (OUaT)
Rating: (G)
Time Period: After Season 4A: after Christmas.
Summary: Both are nervous?
Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the
F. A. Q.).
This has me nervous!
I'm just writing a holiday story for them. It would be after season 4A, if I had to put a time on it. I'm crossing my fingers about the rest of it!
All characters contained herein are the intellectual property of Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz; I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by them.
In merrily curly script, the card reads:
Emma Swan cordially invites and requests the presence of Killian Jones, otherwise known as Captain Hook and Prince Charles.
His presence shall be required at the Storybrooke Community Hall at 8PM, New Year's Eve.
He looks over to Mary Margaret nursing Neal in her arms; she'd given him the card with a smile when he'd arrived before picking up Neal and sitting with him, wrapped in her arms. “Is she serious about …?” He holds the card up so it catches Mary Margaret's eye.
She nods and coos at Neal before she glances from Neal to Hook. “I'd hurry if I were you. It's almost eight.”
“What about Henry?”
“What about him?” Mary Margaret looks at Neal again. “Charming and I will watch him while your date's going on.”
He looks at the card again. His presence shall be … oh, bloody hell. It's almost eight. “If you're sure Henry w---”
“Go!” Mary Margaret laughs and pushes him at the door. “It's near the park, I think. If you run, you might get there a little after eight.”
He turns, and runs.
Mary Margaret picks up the phone's receiver and dials one-handedly when she's sure he's gone and she's walked to the phone. “He's coming now,” she says, balancing Neal on her hip.
All she hears before Emma hangs up is a nervous groan from her daughter.