Well, wonders will never cease. Over the course of the last 5 or 6 weeks I've found myself obsessing over a new (to me) fandom - CSI, more specifically the Sara/Sofia relationship, thanks to the wonderful fanfic writers I've discovered on or through LJ. I do so love angst and the resolution thereof and this couple certainly have the capability for
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Comments 9
Ah, the Xena vids... those were the days... 6 seasons of lovely source material, no RSI and a new vid every few months! I'm glad you still enjoy them after all this time!
I wish I could write these two but I just can't grasp them as well as some other people...so..I let them do it..*g*.
But Sara/Sofia's loss is a gain for (amongst others) Sam/Vala and a certain OT3! *g*
Why, thank you! :)
This isn't such constructive feedback but that blonde chick is hot. *g*
Isn't she just!! (Ahem.. possibly one reason I got converted to CSI so quickly!) You may be surprised to know that it's Louise Lombard who (with dark hair) played Evie in The House of Eliott!
And I already have an inkling of another vid I'd like to do... it seems Louise Lombard/Sofia has my muse back with avengeance!
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