So with the move and all I haven't had internet. I work tonight and can finally get online but guess what I have to spend it doing? Finding a new school. I finally find something I like to do and am good at and it all falls to pieces. I want to curl up into a ball right now and just cry. Theres only one thing stopping me from doing that and I will
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I'm at work right now and a lil bummed because I guess I messed up some files Saturday. I shouldn't have done that because I know how to do check outs and I am dissapointed in myself but I was really tired out from Friday. Friday wasn't one of my better days. I just wish I knew why mornings and I don't mix. It seems that anytime I try to do
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1. Take your livejournal username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (a=1, b=2, etc.). If your name contains numbers, you'll need to convert them to words first before you can convert to numbers
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Today got to see Jess and she got a kitten from bama. It was cool to meet Kelly and Gracie is such a cute kitty but Smokey was jealous and a lil mad at me because I brought him in the house
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Sorry if I haven't commented much. I have been super busy. I more than likely will be reading journals on my days off which are wed, thurs, and friday. I try at work but we get so busy
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