Title: The Price Pairings: Starsky/Hutch, Hutch/OMC Zine: Originally published in Venice Place Chronicles VI (2006) by Venice Place Press Words: 26,024 Rating: NC-17 Categories: First Time Betas: CC, cousinshelley, edited by KeriT
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I've been savingthis to read for the weekend, and finally got to it today - and what a marvellous way to end my Sunday.
This was lovely, a slow journey, realisations and losses and written so beautifully.
I liked the introduction of Rik, a good OC, believable and whole. Starsky's thoughts when seeing them together, his initial failure to understand what that means for him.
The sacrifice they're both prepared to make for each other; both accepting Rik, again, without realising fully what that means for them each.
And, of course, the wonderful coming together, the beauty of their words for each other and the, erm, heat, of their actions!
Oh, this was awesome. I love, love the boys in your hands, you give them strength and nobility even in the face of their fears and failings. I enjoyed seeing them through Rik's eyes as well. Moments of revelation and realization, perfectly written. Damn, no one writes a FT story like you. Thank you so much for sharing.
Comments 12
But I'm gonna read it again. :)
*pokes you*
This was lovely, a slow journey, realisations and losses and written so beautifully.
I liked the introduction of Rik, a good OC, believable and whole. Starsky's thoughts when seeing them together, his initial failure to understand what that means for him.
The sacrifice they're both prepared to make for each other; both accepting Rik, again, without realising fully what that means for them each.
And, of course, the wonderful coming together, the beauty of their words for each other and the, erm, heat, of their actions!
I loved it.
(I'm glad you enjoyed Rik. I was awfully fond of him myself. I remember CC demanded a threesome story after she finished beta'ing. :)))
ps: oh! you're bad. :)))
Oh, this was awesome. I love, love the boys in your hands, you give them strength and nobility even in the face of their fears and failings. I enjoyed seeing them through Rik's eyes as well. Moments of revelation and realization, perfectly written. Damn, no one writes a FT story like you. Thank you so much for sharing.
*flails summore*
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