can of soup - 110
5 cups of french vanilla coffee - 200
bowl of corn chips (unnecessary snacking.) - 300
1/2 godiva bar - 100
and i worked out, so probably take 350 off of that. 350 total. not great, but not awful. also, i'm back down to 170, only one pound over what i reached last thursday. and 7 pounds lighter than what i was last night. strange, no? not complaining, it's just weird. oh yeah, i'm done using x's cause it's confusing and stupid. i need to see how fat i actually am. i weigh 170 fat fucking pounds. i want to weigh 125-135. kthxbai.
i've been having really strange, disturbing dreams lately. the other night i dreamed i was in my car alone. i pulled into a parking lot and got into the passenger seat. there was crap like old cans and papers all over the floor. i pulled some stuff out of my pocket and i didn't know what it was until i looked in my hand. there was a needle, a spoon, a lighter and some heroin. i got really freaked out but decided i would do it. so i took my belt off and tied up my arm, and cooked the shit. i sucked it up into the needle and got all ready to do it, then i decided that i didn't want to. i threw all the stuff on the ground and kicked it around with the garbage. then i looked out the window and saw colin walking up to the car. i freaked out cause i knew he would see the stuff and that i wouldn't be able to explain what happened. then i woke up.
i also had a dream that i was in some weird housing development, i don't know if i lived there or if i was visiting someone. i was really bored then someone called and told me to go to a place around the corner from where i was. so i left. i was wearing doc marten boots, a black skirt and my winter coat. it was raining out so i took a short cut through some people's yards. i got to this place and there were a bunch of guys and some skanky girls and everyone was smoking weed. i got high, then my friend called and wanted me to go back where i was. for some reason i took a bowl and it was packed and i was going to leave with it. then one of the guys got up and i thought he was going to yell at me for stealing, but he told me to watch out for cops. so i stuck it in my pocket and ran.
it's hard trying to accurately describe dreams. it all makes sense in my head and i know what happened, but i just can't seem to relate it.