Grey Summoner Chapter 4, Part 2

Jun 10, 2007 12:57

so i turned in my essays from last week, and i have another thats due tomorrow that was actually finished yesterday, omg. i have another 3 due on Thursday that im starting on. early for once. my rogue linthira is now lvl 51 zomg. well heres the next part.

The three soon discovered what had caused all the ruckus, Aladdin and Jasmine we getting married. The three of them managed to sneak past the guards and into the ceremony. Half way through the ceremony, the ground began to shake. The building began to fall apart and the trumpeting of elephants could be heard. Suddenly a large group of masked men ran in. They began to burglarize the guests, stealing any valuables they might have on their body.

Sora and Riku automatically conjured their Keyblades, Morgan changed into her Thief Dresssphere. Sora joined the fray, alternating between swiping at the thieves and casting magic. Morgan cast Haste on herself before jumping into the fight. She jumped and flipped over the attackers, dodging their swings before landing her own hits. Riku pulled his hood up keeping a close eye on Morgan, demolishing anyone who got too close. Soon the three reached the platform where Jasmine and Genie were holding off the intruders.

“Sora, buddy! Nice to see you!” the big blue man called as he shot thunder at one of the thieves.

“Hey Genie!” he called back as he threw Ultima at a trio of identical thieves. The sword reappeared in his hand as Morgan ran up behind him and changed into her Gunner Dresssphere.

She unleashed seventeen consecutive rounds on the group. The thieves parted into two groups as a tall bulky man walked towards her. He was bald with a thick black mustache, wearing an open vest and harem pants. Five golden claws stuck out between his fingers. Morgan’s eyes widened slightly as she saw him, but she raised one gun and aimed. Before she could fire, he reached her and dug the claws into her stomach. The pistol fell limply from her grasp as she looked at her abdomen in shock. He pulled out his blood soaked claws as he grinned at her evilly before vanishing along with the other thieves. She fell to the floor and everything went black.

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