Dreams compilation.

Jan 14, 2011 00:47

I always try to write down my dreams just after waking up, so excuse my grammar, and orthograph and all.

1.Long dream is long. I had nowhere to put that, so I put it on this tumblr okay ?
I don’t know exactly the time and place. My father managed to “borrow” his friend’s house for the holidays. As we arrived I was really impressed by how huge the manor was. I wonder how my father had been able to convince his friend, they must have been really good friends.
Once I entered I tried to visit the whole house, there were beautiful carpets everywhere, lots of antiques, old sofas, tables, and all the furniture, it was really noble. I was amazed.
I asked my father where was my room, he guided me to a weird place in the mansion, it was really different from the rest. It was like an appendix to the house. I don’t know if some of you have ever played the Fallout series, but there was a big vault-like door, with the wheel and all, so I turn it, the door opens and I arrive there, it was like in clinic, my bed was an hospital’s bed, it was all clean and shiny. “Whose room is it ? They must be seriously wicked.” Nevermind, that would be my room to be.
After putting my stuff in the room I carried on my visiting. I ended up in the kitchen where my mom and aunt were already. My mom was cooking something; don’t remember what. I heard barking noises and two big weird dogs (dark dalmatians, like black with copper spots ….) runned towards me. They were friendly and I started to play with them, then I told them to get lost.
I started browsing the kitchen. I saw a cabinet with lots of photos on it, so I went further and looked at them. Lots of family shots, hunting, christmas, grandma, w.. WHAT ? What is he doing here ? Boy is opening his christmas gifts, it’s pretty recent, I bet it was taken this year. He was all smile, THAT smile. It was his pre-comeback hair :’) He looks so cute and happy BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?
I called my father and asked him: “WHOSE FREAKING HOUSE IS IT?”
-Well that’s my friend Blah’s house, he’s also my colleague. Why ?
-So Blah is Onew’s father ????
-Whose father ?
“Ok I must find his bedroom, NOW”. I dashed out the kitchen screaming “AHHHHHH WHERE IS IT DJKFSKJ?”
I ran through dozens of rooms. “WHY IS THIS HOUSE SO FUCKING HUGE ?”
I was lost. “Fuck ! I must find it.” Despaired and exhausted, I felt like I’ve just finished a fucking marathon. I caught my breath while walking slowly through the corridors.
“What would chicken do ?” I opened a red-colored door.
I found it, I finally found it. It was a big room, it ressembled a play-room.
“Not even surprised”
There were different floor levels into the room, with little staircases, boxes full of toys and video games, it was really colorful. “Man I feel like in a child room in the Sims.” And there it was, lying on an elevated floor. There was a matress on the ground right next to it. “Yeah cause he would frequently fall off his bed, that dork !”
Surprisingly it was a single bed, just a normal bed, not even a Car-bed or something !
I approached silently, solemnly, without even realizing it my hands were folded.
“Leader….” I whispered.
I fell on my knees and bowed, smiling like crazy. I stayed put for a few minutes. I was too happy to move and I had to gather my spirits to go back to real life.
It’s only after getting up that I noticed the bedsheets. I was between laughing and facepalming.
“Of course, Onew has Buzz Lightyears bedsheets.”
I sat on his bed and touched the sheets. I giggled. I took off my shoes, and laid on the bed. “Hehehe it’s comfy.”
I turned around, put my head in his pillow and took a deep, long breath. I was kissing Buzz, but I was sniffing Onew, I didn’t care.
It was fucking heaven, I was there, in Onew’s house, in Onew’s bedroom, IN ONEW’S FUCKING BED.
I took out my pants first, then my shirt, and I slipped between the sheets.
Never had I thought that I would masturbate in Onew’s bed one day.Well ALMOST masturbate, cause I left the door open and I heard sniffing and barking noises. The two dogs dashed into the room, interrupting what would have been the best fap of my life.
I cursed at the dog while putting my clothes on. “Why the fuck did you come ? Do you hate me ? Is it ‘cause I ditched you earlier ?”
I was so fucking disappointed that I woke up. ldjfsdhfoisdhvoijsdonvdsnujnvdsknvsdunv

2. Two days ago I dreamt about doing a rock contest, where my band had to perform. It was for a tv show and all.
Everything went well, it wasn’t our turn yet. The set was a ruond with people around, blocked by barriers. The audience was in front and the participants could watch from the sides of the set.
I didn’t know the band who was performing before us. I waited until it was their turn, and realized I knew their face. It was composed a few members of Super Junior.
I was quite astonished that they would do this kind of thing.
There was Leeteuk, Yesung, Sungmin, I don’t remember the other ones .
I was really excited to see them playing rock (even if that was quite a mindfuck) and cheered them from the side (way to go on cheering another band when we’ll perform later) They were really good, of course Sungmin was playing the guitar, and Yesung sang. I don’t remember what the others were playing.

They were really really good, and really cool. I was cheering with all my fangirl might, my members didn’t understand. I jumped and shouted their names, giving them thumbs ups (WTF!). As they were finished, Leeteuk walked out by my side, and while I was congratulating him by shouting and giving him thumbs up, he look at me with smirk meaning “Eh, you’re not going to win lady.”
And it stroke me “They are too good, there’s no way we’re gonna win. What to do ?”
And I went from an ecstatic and excited mood to a depressed and sad one. I was on the verge of crying. I might have looked really pitiful here cause as Yesung walked out of the stage, he went by my side. Put his arm around my shoulder, stroked my shoulder and whispered in my ear: “It’s alright, you are going to blow their mind, I saw you performing during the rehearsal, and you all are definitely talented.”
I could just die here. I turned my head to see his face, he was smiling warmingly, and I almost melted here. JUST KILL ME ALREADY I WOKE UP.

3. -Yesterday I made a weird weird dream including rivers and boobs. Well mine but, weird anyways. I don’t remember ALL of it, but I know Donghae and Kyuhyun were here, and I was with friends of mine, we were bathing in a river, well montain river, with clear water and mini waterfalls. And by bathing, yes that means we were naked. I guess we were hiking in the mountains, it was hot and there was this river.

So as we were skinny dipping while drinking beers. Donghae and Kyuhyun arrived and invited themselves to the party. We all drank happily while playing in the water, they drank A LOT. They haven’t realized we were naked yet. It’s just when I got out of the water to grab more beers that they went all “O M G” And went all “OH I LIKE DRUNK BOOBS” “What ?”
And then they started touching them like WHAT ?

3. And today’s dream is featuring Nagase Tomoya , Yunho and Changmin. I was in a futuristic city, I wokred at a random office and Nagase was my co-worker. I don’t remember what we worked on, but that included grabbing lava with his hands haha, and making balls with it. I don’t remember more than that.
After work I decide to check on some friends, they were at a club, so I joined them. I was pretty cool and hype. There I saw Yunho trying to get away from fans. He had big sunglasses on and walked past me with fangirls at his trail. He looked really annoyed. As I joined my friends I saw that Changmin was with them. They’d been drinking a lot since they were at the club. Changmin was so drunk he could hardly stand up. I stayed with them a little and danced.
Then I decided to go back to my place. My friends asked me to drive Changmin home since Yunho left without him, that I was sober. I accepted and took him over my shoulder so we can walk to my car. Boy was so tall, and I’m not a midget. So I squeezed him in my Austin Mini, which was freaking hilarious. I asked him where he lived… He said he didn’t remember “Super …”
“Ok let’s go back to my place” “Mmmrgglrgrg” “Ok”
Once arrived, and parked. I started to unload him from the tiny car, his limbs
unfolding like a giant spider. He’s leaning on me while we walk through the garden and as we were about to reach the door, he FREAKING PUKED ON MY SHOES. DLJIFSPODJFOSDIJF

4. I had the weirdest dream ever, I got friends to buy me food at a street vendor, even though I had money (I has so many change that my wallet was the shindong of wallets) and then this darth sidious looking person (hai Minho) tried to snatch my fat wallet. Which he managed to do but my friend hit him and got back my wallet, so I was just happy and all "HA HA" pointing at him. And he left all sad lol
My friends finally left and I was visiting the town, cause yeah I was in an unknown town, so I didn't know where to go and I arrived to this huge propriety, the walls were high, only the gate was open, I was curious so I entered. There was little houses connected by little bridges and they were surrounded by a bamboo forrest.
I keep on walking around and I see the darth sidious from earlier, I start panicking but can't find my way out. Darth Sidious is surrounded by weird costumed monkeys, they were wearing uniforms ..... He suddenly spots me and tells something to the monkeys who are now chasing after me.
I try to run as fast as possible and hide. I end up on a roof and I jump from roof to roof, and on the pillars in the yard. (yes there are pillars) but they are monkeys so they can also jump on roofs lolz
There's only one pillar left next to me but darth sidious jumps on it when I'm jumping too so I'm ending up in his arms ... he falls on his ass while still carrying me. He then tries to grab my wallet that is in the inner pocket of my jacket and end up grabbing my boob. At first I'm all WTF but it's darth sidious minho so I end up shrugging "oh well" .
So I rip off my shirt and my bra and squish my boob on his face cause even if I'd fuck him, he tried to steal my wallet!!!!!!!!!
Then it ended up us fucking on top of a pillar ....

5. omg omg omg that dream. I was with shinee, wé were going to à mountain resort for à little stay. Everyone got there early except minho and me i dont remember why. Apparently we weren't together at first, just friends.
And i drove him there. So when wé arrive we have to put our stuff in the room, we had to CLIMB the fucking hotel wall, it was mandatory lol, there was even à waterfall ! So we do that and arrive in the room and put down our bags but nobody is here, they were already sightseeing. Minho tells me that we should try to find them so we climb down and check around the huge resort, and he starts to hold my hand sometimes when there is à big slope, or step . ;___; we run everywhere to find the rest but cant. As we return to the hotel we see i dont remember whose manager it was, it was a woman manager and she was wearing à climbing outfit. We go to her to ask why she was there, and if she had seen anyone, she answers that there will be an idol championship thing and that she hasn't seen anyone, not even gyeongshik nor choijin. And she asked us if we were together , looking at our hands, cause we were still holding them. We stopped and shouted "NO NO HAHA NO WAY KEKE"
"Oh okay then"
Then we go to our room to find everyone, and gyeongshik only tells now that the championship is tomorrow. They are all mad and all haha.
Minho asks me if i want to participate along with him ;__; of course is say yes lolz .
Then the next day we are all in our attire, there is gonna be à sort of marathon with obstacles, minho tells me to stick with him and grabs my hand. We start running together , avoid the obstacles blah, we are first, and se run happily, but then Nicole arrives and starts teasing minho, saying that he wont catch her, that she is faster blah, i am just running and cursing at her in my head cause she is trying to steal MY frog hahaha . She dashes far away.
He looks at me and says that he is sorry, that he needed to teach her à lesson, i sadfaced and let him go. "You're the best" i know i am.
And he dashes in her direction.
I run my ass off to try to find them, i know i am third still, but cant catch them up,
After some time i see her exhausted in front of me s but no trace of minho, i pass her cause she ran slowly, and wondered where he was. At one moment of the race we have to go through an underground passage, as i am entering it someone catches my hand and pins me against the wall.
"I didn know you had that in you."
"I had to if i wanted to catch up and teach that skank not to seduce my man."
He smirks like the little asshole he is and i am threatening him with my fist.
He grabs it and kisses it, then kisses me. He takes my other hand and guidés me into à corner lost in the passage, next to the exit cause we can see the sky and some mountains.
"We should go or we wont be first"
He starts kissing along my neck and collarbone while whispering that right now it was the last thing he was caring about.
And he fucks the life out of me into that wall, and was so fucking good i hate him.
Gosh i wish i could go back to that moment cause it was one of my best dream sex ever. It felt so freaking real fjsisifhfjd.
His chocolate cocktail for ever in me.
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