Title: Storm Born Author: Morgen Summary: It was supposed to be their one chance to be together. Instead it plunged them straight into a nightmare. Disclaimer: I don't own LOTS or profit from it in any
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too bad Isobel was Con Dar'd into dust. I wish she could be resurrected to die a slow and agonizing death at the business end of Cara's Agiels. I just hope she is being tortured for all eternity by her master the Keeper.
No, no, no... I don't like this whole 'Zedd leaving' thing... Too much foreshadowing with their talk about Kahlan not pushing herself while he's gone. I'm sensing a relapse, and I DON'T LIKE IT!! Poor Richard can't handle any more worry and stress! Zedd needs to keep his butt in Isham, I say!
Aww, don't be too worried! I promise things won't be a total disaster. There's only two chapters left. I've got you all too used to expecting angst lol. Thanks so much for reading!! :D
Comments 35
Thanks for reading! :)
It´s always a pleasure!
I am so curious to see, how Kahlan will get over the poison... there are many more chapters you could do about it,.... :) *grins and blinks*
Poor Richard can't handle any more worry and stress! Zedd needs to keep his butt in Isham, I say!
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This was so awesome! I love how protective and caring Richar is of Kahlan. They had a fight and end up kissing in bed. *GAH!*
Hehe, protective Richard is one of my favorites!
Thank you for reading!!! :)
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