2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?: boy shorts, pink and orange
3. What is the song you want played at your funeral?: "let it be" by the beatles (like my grandpop)
4. What would your last meal be before getting executed?: island pizza hoagie
6. If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be?: hmm
7. The person whose problems you would never want to hear again?: hmm im not gonna answer that
8. What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex?: eyes, smile and hug
9. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?: nahh i <3 them alll.
10. If you could have any super power what would it be?: to fly/be invisible
11. Favorite hangover cure: hmm i dont really need one?
12. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?: not sure..but when we're on vaca, my dad makes me drinks all the timee
13. Favorite song lyric?: "walking after you" by foo fighters or anything bealtes/foo
14. Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?: any color, as long as it normal...
15. If you had to be blind or deaf?: deaf i guess
16. Do you have any psychiatric problems?: yep. tons of them.
17. Siblings that should go to rehab?: hmm KEL, shes my Only sibling.
18. Least favorite month?: february-april-ish; cold and gross...
19. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?: FERN GULLY and lion king.
20. Favorite person in the whole world?: dave grohl. hands down. haha and my momma
21. When's the last time you went on a date?: few weeks ago ;)
22. Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?: movies that are funny and have that kinda crap in them...
23. Fall or spring?: SPRING!
24. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?: hmm
25. If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?: umm my homegirl KIR! hahaha
26. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?: brittle? that sounds fun..noT. haha the beach?
27. Who is the person or persons you can count on most?: you know who you are <3
28. If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors?: DAVE GROHL or JOHNNY DEPP.
29. What books have you pretended you've read?: any summer reading book ever
30. What's a word you would use to describe your life?: interesting
31. Favorite drinking game?: hmmm.
32. What did you dream last night?: we were all on a boat and my family was trying to push us all off, not cool.