Ice skating with my family in Millennium Park before going back to school.
The three people who got me through spring semester.
Schweppes Part Deux/ Having jet black hair & my nose pierced/ Lena's visit.
Spring Break '08. Getting my hair back to a semi-natural color & hanging out with some of my favorite people.
My 20th Birthday Extravaganza :)
Awww, Blankie & Felton. Roadtrips & Hotels. What else is new?
The Last (Family) Supper.
Alumni Club Shows & Clearwater In General.
Ghost Hunting :)
Retarded Rach & Lex sleepovers followed by mediocre breakfasts at The Manor, lol.
The Taste of Chicago/ My Best Friends.
Warped Tour. Say Anything Karaoke. So good.
Dancing in the rain/ turning one of the most awkward nights in history into one of the best.
The Metro.
My last night at home/ Tyler's birthday.
First night out back in Iowa City/ Zach's 22nd Surprise Party/ Reunited with Go & Co.
The first game of the season with one of my new roomates & dear friends.
Sushi night, :)
The Iowa State Blackout.
The Hat Party/ Kathleen's 21st.
Kelly's visit.
Northwestern night/ Old friends :)
Go's birthday/ Fieldhouse in general.
The Pumpkin Patch, :)
Halloweeeeen !
Iowa vs. Penn State, The Greene Out/ Victoryyy :)
Thanksgiving Break.
Saki Bomb night. Ohhhh god.
Christmas Break/ Fabulous grades/ Snowwwww :)
New Years Eve.
In hindsight 2008 wasn't a bad year. The year definitely had it's downs. Second semester got a little rocky, and then with the loss of my grandmother I had a few "Ohmygod are you serious, life?" rants. But, those moments where when I realized all of the amazing people surrounding me. We all got to vote this year for the first time, Obama '08 :) Iowa, this completely overlooked football team, knocked the #3 ranked team in the nation out of the National Championship & destroyed their undefeated record by one point (hollerrr). I learned to take the good with the bad. I surprised myself with all that I accomplished this year, between my grades, working through personal issues, & growing up/mellowing out in general. I needed it, I know. But now I feel like I'm going into 2009 with a clear head & clean slate. We'll see.