Someone who meets my standards or isn't everything I can tell just by looking at them. So far, I've come across only one or two of those kinds of people.
*...neck crack.*somethinggothSeptember 19 2007, 17:36:44 UTC
I wonder; were your standards always as high? (Relatively, of course. I'm pretty sure they've adjusted over time, especially recently--or, at least, that you've become more vocal about it.)
Re: *...neck crack.*morosecomposureSeptember 19 2007, 22:23:49 UTC
I didn't have standards til I saw the bottom of civilized survival. I can't think of a time in my life when I held anyone up to any pre-determined scale, but I always looked for certain qualities in people if I were going to be around them and if they didn't have them I gradually staved myself off of them so that no one would think anything of it. To know my limits I first had to test myself physically, chemically, and mentally.
The fact that I had never once broken down to a level I've seen many people reach made me want to see how far I could go before I got there....and then I realized there is absolutely no point in that since that's not where I want to exist.
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The fact that I had never once broken down to a level I've seen many people reach made me want to see how far I could go before I got there....and then I realized there is absolutely no point in that since that's not where I want to exist.
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