Title: Over The Rainbow
Rating: PG13
Genre: Romance,angst?
Pairing/Characters: d1
Short Summary/Comments: Yagyuu does not believe in fairies.
On a night that is not Halloween night Niou arrives fancifully dressed in a green suit with tails and a vest of gold brocade, complete with top hat, shamrocks, black patent shoes and silver buckles.
Yagyuu, who does not believe in fairies, glances somewhat distastefully at the costume and tells Niou so.
Leprechaun, Niou corrects. Not, he says, that this is the way they would dress. But hey, he shrugs, why waste a perfectly good stereotype?
Yagyuu, meanwhile, extends his list of things that he does not believe in by one.
When Niou arrives an hour too late decked out in green like a Christmas tree gone wrong, carrying a pot of something that looks like but cannot be gold, the regulars turn as one to Yagyuu, who is already in the process of not-so-gently pulling Niou into a secluded corner of the school compound. Niou never reads a person wrongly; by process of elimination and pointing out of the obvious Yagyuu knows that he is merely purposely misunderstanding him when he promptly drops the pot and reaches up for a sly kiss. Yagyuu declines and Niou settles with a pout, hands groping incessantly. Yagyuu doesn’t tell him to stop, simply removes the pot of something-that-looks-like-but-cannot-be gold and hands Niou a spare set of uniform.
Niou is enormously pleased with himself, when he emerges from the club room ten minutes later, to find the regulars minus two - himself and Yukimura - bodily restraining their beloved fukubuchou from performing the proverbial act of bloody murder.
The rainbow chooses the wrong time to appear: in the middle of history class during a rare light, humid shower. Niou is the epitome of excitement as he charges out the classroom door, knocking over a few chairs - and people - while doing so and turning back to wave at their sensei as an afterthought.
In the pandemonium that follows Yagyuu quietly and respectfully excuses himself. Disregarding, of course, the fact that his sensei seems incapable of independent movement other than goldfish-like gaping, he takes it as a yes and speeds after niou, who has retrieved his pot of something-that-looks-like-but-cannot-be gold from the rubbish dump and his fairy/leprechaun costume.
Yagyuu finds Niou waiting for him at the school gate, juggling his top hat and his pot impatiently. Again, the theme is Christmas, without its red counterpart.
Yagyuu does not ask why, how or where, but Niou answers him anyway. Rainbows, Niou answers, and leaves Yagyuu to solve the rest of the mystery himself.
Yagyuu dislikes public transport, prefers his parent’s car. Too late is when Niou is already on the bus blowing a goodbye kiss and Yagyuu has no choice but to follow, regarding the curious passengers with perfected indifference. Niou spends the rest of the trip blowing particularly loud raspberries, stumbling off a random eleven stops later.
From where they are the rainbow is fainter than ever, but Niou seems satisfied. Niou cannot sing - a fact further established when he breaks into an out-of-tune version of Over the Rainbow. Even without words it is clear what Niou is looking for, in his haphazard way, and Yagyuu watches him with barely contained disbelief.
Two hours later the sky is darkening and Yagyuu is trying to banish pictures of Sanada’s violent tendencies from his mind. Niou sets the pot down and chortles. Even without words Yagyuu understands that Niou prefers rainbows to mistletoe, something highly out of context. But when Niou reaches out, half tentatively, half possessively, Yagyuu cannot find a reason to say no.
Rainbows have no end, Yagyuu does not say.
There is always an end, Niou is indignant.
I do not believe in fairies, Yagyuu says.
Leprechauns, Niou corrects automatically.
Yes, Yagyuu agrees. Leprechauns.
second place at
pot_challenge. it dint deserve it, in my honest opinion. >_o;; *slinks away*