[Billy has constructed a hologram of himself reading this aloud, so that the witnesses may view his facial expressions.]
If you've gone to the trouble of locating this, it very likely means that I've died---in the war, of some illness, or perhaps an unrelated cause. If for some reason you've located this and I'm currently alive, just shut it off. You don't need to see this yet, and hopefully you won't have to for a long while.
Assuming I am dead, however, I have a few last things to discuss with you all. First: I'm sorry, and I'm going to miss the vast majority of you. Lord Zedd is excluded, of course, and should any of his minions have popped from the pods in the meantime, they are as well. You are all welcome to give them a hearty kick for me. Attaching googly eyes to their rear ends is...while juvenile, also amusing. Take a picture in my honor, Lash.
I enjoyed working with you as much as I can enjoy myself during a war, and I think that's saying something. The friendships we had carried me through some really rough times, and I learned so much more than I ever could have on Earth. It's even fair to say that I learned about the many types of love here, and that made my life all the more fulfilling. I'll never regret that.
---all right, I imagine you want me to get to the important parts by now. Namely, my last messages and which items of mine you'll be claiming. This will take a while, and I apologize for that...it's just that since this will be the last time I speak with you all, I don't want to leave things unsaid.
First, to my co-chief in the Engineering department, Angie Spica. You've always assured me that you can handle the department yourself, and I fully believe that you will. It's okay to appoint a new co-chief, just make sure you let them work. And I also leave you my omnicom---it has administrative functions over the network and some notes I think you'll find very interesting. Use it well.
Next, to Daja Kisubo: Speaking with you always kept me grounded, and I always felt calm and secure with you. I want you to have my training staff---it's not quite like yours, but it's a good one.
For Hoshi Hikari, you always put a smile on my face. That means more to me than I ever got to say. As the person who taught me so much about a very enjoyable game, I leave you the custom Beyblades I eventually managed to build. I'm sure you'll put them to much better use than I ever did.
I don't think I got around to telling you this, Goliath, but your faith in literature has saved lives more than once. It's meant a lot to be able to call you a friend. To you, I leave my history books.
Kang...I honestly never expected we'd be friends, but it's been an honor to know and fight with you. You taught me to stop being such a stick-in-the-mud, so I leave you one of the sillier inventions you inspired: a miniature trebuchet, perfectly sized to fling balls and small amounts of food across a room. I suggest seeing if you can shoot food directly into someone's open mouth.
And Kaylee Frye, if any person can carry sunshine wherever they go, it's you. After you hug everyone, as I know you will, I want you to go to my house and take the fuzzy blue blanket over the couch downstairs. I think it suits you perfectly.
Stephen Valkonan...as one of the best inventors of weird items that I know, and a good friend to boot, I want you to claim the cake-o-matic version 3 that I've been attempting to complete. If anyone can finish it, it's you.
My other weird invention goes to Cassie Lang...you'll never know how happy I was to see you alive that day. You've weathered so much and given us your best work all throughout, and you've definitely inspired your fair share of fun. Our cement gun is yours---you know the one. Just make sure it doesn't get used on Jamie again.
For the Doctor, as a man clever enough to make seemingly impossible machines work? I leave you a pile of wrist communicators. They once had a teleportation function---it'll be difficult to work in the Bleed, but I'm confident that you'll find a way.
And that brings me to a remarkable group of people, the Power Rangers. You're a stronger and better team than I ever dreamed of. I've always known that you'd be good, but...you're incredible, all of you. I know you'll win this war.
To our leader, Peter Parker, I leave my watch. It's the metallic one with a number of other hidden functions. I know it's difficult to tell time here, but there's so much more to see.
Dustin Brooks gets the Power Bike I uncovered in the back of the Command Center. I know it's not your color, but I think you're capable of using it far better than I can. For a ninja, you're definitely a great motorcyclist. Keep training everyone, you're doing a great job.
Tenaya, as your training and assistance has been invaluable, I leave my sai. I know you'll use them effectively.
Now, for the group of Rangers that came together to continue to fend off threats. You took to the Power far faster than I ever did, I have to say that. And you've all been great friends to me and each other.
For Jamie McCrimmon, my brother in arms and best friend: we've carried each other through so much. I'd really miss you if I could. It's been a pleasure. I leave you the badge you left that signaled our friendship, as well as a gift of my own: it's a terrifying beastie, the unicorn.
For the Yellow Ranger of rocky relationships, Lash...know that you're a good friend and I love you. Even if it didn't always show. You'll find my flying car, the Radbug, parked near the Command Center. It's yours to modify as you please. Just don't forget me while you're doing it.
Ron Stoppable, our Green Ranger and chef, I'm going to need you to help the others to laugh. That's always been your specialty. I leave you my latest high-tech cooking inventions, but please don't hesitate to call for help if the chopper gains a mind of its own. I assure you, though, that it shouldn't.
Our Pink Ranger, Kate Bishop...you're just as clever and kind as I hoped you would be. I've left you my jukebox and music collection, in the hopes of inspiring you to keep making beautiful music. Maybe you could see about collaborating with Jamie on the bagpipes. ...or not, now that I think about it. That sound might be too terrifying for crew consumption.
Finally, the Blue Ranger: Andy Davis. I admit I was worried about selecting someone to share colors and my Zord with, but you're the best Ranger I could have hoped for. Your level head has helped us out of so many tight spots. I leave my collection of maps and notes, scarce as it is, to you.
A mention now has to go to one of my newest friends, Nokosi: as strange and awkward as our first meetings were, I never expected us to become friendly with each other. I don't think Fontaine ever did trust me, but you...I still insist that you're a poet, and you have wisdom that no one else has matched. I leave you my books of poetry, as well as a device I've invented that will read them aloud to you until you can read them for yourself.
That brings me to the trio that taught me about love...Kaya, Renne, and Ronnae 'Mash Belore Ryllos. I love all of you with all of my heart, each in your own ways. I never expected to have Bondeds or a mate, and it overwhelmed me right to the end to know that I was loved so much.
Kaya, I have to thank you for whipping me into shape. I lacked strength and confidence before I met you, and I couldn't quite believe that someone as powerful as you wanted me to be your friend. I leave you my belt---the one woven with all our colors, as well as anything that came from Renne. I trust you to keep it safe and share it should you see him again.
And Renne, if you ever awaken again, know that you've taught me more about love than anyone else. Our love with each other and Kaya ran deep, as deep as romantic love but...closer, in a way. That means everything and it always will, that it can triumph over the pain that plagued all our backgrounds. I expect Kaya to share our special gifts with you, and I also leave you the memory crystal you once left me---it's now filled with something that I hope you'll treasure.
Finally, for my lover and soulmate, should such a thing exist: Ronnae 'Mash Belore Ryllos. I can't say here how much I love you, I'd be going on until well after the holographic recorder ran out of room. I never ever wanted to leave you---any of you, but along with Kaya and Renne I'm going to miss you the most. You're the one and only person who showed me that kind of love in life.
I leave you my personal journal, my drawings (you know which ones, keep them under wraps!) and most important...my heart. That will always be yours, my love.
I think that covers everything. I'm sorry if I've forgotten you, I'm going to keep adding until I hopefully remember everyone---or until I die, whichever comes first. But now that I have died, presumably, this bears repeating. I love you, and I love being a member of this crew. It's been a blast, even when some of you agitate me. I wouldn't trade this time for anything.
I have three last favors to ask, though: first, there's a separate message for my friends from Angel Grove attached to this one. Should any of them ever awaken, I ask that you show it to them as soon as possible. Second, live your lives to the fullest extent possible. Don't ever forget to have a good time. And finally...don't forget to antagonize Lord Zedd whenever you have the opportunity. I know it's small and petty to want revenge, but being stuck with only him from my world has been more frustrating than most of you can probably imagine. My ghost, if it existed, could do with some laughs.
That's all. Thank you, I love you, and...farewell. Just forgive me a cheesy saying this once, as it's my last chance: it's been morphenomenal.