In celebration of tomorrow being July 4th, I'm offering fic of at least 150 words in length (I reserve the right to go over) to the first 13 posts.
Please provide a timestamp fic or a pairing with a one to five word prompt associated to the 4th of July.
Anonymous commenting is on, so you can leave a lurking prompt if you want.
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Thank you for taking prompts!
guh so awesome this one..
By the way, I really enjoyed your story. :-)
It's kind of eerie how similar they are.
I've always had a soft spot for this fic because it was sort of 'real' to me in the way that the emotions were. Jensen is a standup guy who is kept from doing what he considers right and honorable because he is doing something else that is also right and honorable.
I actually had to go check to see if I had or not, because I remember thinking about doing a piece about Jensen's feelings with DADT being repealed and how he was still glad he resigned. Basically, he knew that as a solider the battle to be gay was still going on, and he was done with fighting that war in the military. He had other wars to win at home.
But... apparently I never wrote it on my computer because I can't find it.
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