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Dec 31, 2006 08:56

So, it was like, I dunno, 1978 ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

shasha04 December 31 2006, 10:10:11 UTC
Dude, you need to sprinkle sugar in that tortilla/butter mix. It's awesome.

Use the sugar that is not as broken up as regular sugar, the kind like little teeny tiny rocks. and warm up the whole thing a bit. awesomeness.


morriscat69 December 31 2006, 10:13:32 UTC
"the kind like little teeny tiny rocks"


I have tried it with brown sugar actually, natural progression from when I was younger and still in Michigan, we would make bread butter & sugar when there were no cookies around.


shasha04 December 31 2006, 10:19:21 UTC
damnit now i want cookies


ersigh January 2 2007, 01:46:49 UTC
sugar AND cinnamon! *drool*

peanut butter and jelly with tortillas is soooo good too. *falls over*


ersigh January 2 2007, 01:46:13 UTC
The only people who really get old are the ones who forget how to play. :]

I am more a child now than I was when I was supposed to be.


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