May 16, 2006 21:07
God talked to me tonight
i think its time to start making time for bible reading.
cuz that really was what brought me close to God
and even tho it may mean, less sleep.. or less...??
its worth it
cuz i know its whats going to pull me through
May 15, 2006 21:47
after this friday
it will all just slow down
i pray it does
untill then
welcome to the last hell week of school.....
May 13, 2006 15:55
i really hope to grow up a lot this summer...
and figure out what i want.
May 11, 2006 19:57
dont think i cant take it
wake me when its over
so far away
i wich that it was closer
i see you everyday
im too scared to go over
how much longer
will this keep getting stonger??
finals tomorrow
opening night
almost in reach....
May 08, 2006 20:04
im getting sick.
its only monday.
May 07, 2006 10:38
how can something really good.. make me feel so sick afterwards
what am I doing with my life...
im getting out
May 05, 2006 22:02
such a long day
such a long week
blah thank God i get two days off
even if they are packed to the brim
tomorrow day and night is going to be so much fun
and thats worth it
cuz your beginning to make things worth it
May 03, 2006 22:26
im too afraid to tell them the truth
i cant take this hidden pain any longer
why do i always have to be such an inconvenience
May 01, 2006 19:34
so much running today tired....
school just be done already....
im running in a race outside school soon
im excited
how often do u get to run over the Coronado bridge??!