such great fun, i got me a headset and a new guild, that just adores having a woman among em... Stromreavers PvP is too much fun with this Igglebound crowd.......such SEXY geeks they all are! grin
Did you fair well against Katrina. I know you are up away from the coast but considering how big and poweful she was, that and my job puts me in a position of talking with lots of people I know that it wasn't exactly easy going there.
it still aimnt easy at time but personally we went untouched! we come out ahead or at least ok . some of our bills (like hte eleectric doubled and gas. and such so budget wise we got out of wack. but we getting there now. Btw We are coming to the big city first week of Jan, or otherwise known as the New Year. Planning a "nite - out on the town" Jan 6th with a few of my old phx pals/ girlfreinds and their oned ones (if they are hooked up currently)...... will be bring my husbnd abd child into town with us...
Give us a line and we will call ya to hook up while we are breifly in town
Friday the 6th
December 13 2005, 13:43:21 UTC
I don't think that we will be able to show up...Jodi works on Friday, and she will most likly be changing schedules to an evening shift, more money few hours. I will post here if things change though.
Comments 5
Just concerned for a friend...E Pace (Prozac)
Give us a line and we will call ya to hook up while we are breifly in town
Prozac of GCC
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