Aug 26, 2003 08:43
The ongoing saga of morticia has tooken a..
taked a..
...gone for a shit, homelife became unbearable and then I packed a backpack and stoopid useless thin little blanket to run away from home to become a hobo at about 10 at night.
At that point I ran out of steam, got sleepy and fell asleep.
This morning I checked to see what I packed to start my new life as a hobo and it was quite amusing. Inside were my wallet (debit/credit cards are a must when living the hobo life, one very skimpy pj top and strangely enough a pj bottom from another set. Obviously I am not a fashion-savvy hobo. Two bottles of water (which surprised me) and digging deeper, a bottle of 1/2 and 1/2 vod and iced tea (which is more like it!), that I drank as soon as I found it burp, my tootbrush and paste, my deo dorANT. A BUNGY CORD DON"T ASK ME WHY it was important at the time, a GAROTTING WIRE annnnd a pen. A roll of tp, some tylenols for those annoying hangovers fuck the liver, AND.. a ball of string. All important to the traveling hobo, apparently. Oh, and my mini-maglite in case I had to *thok* someone on the head.
More importantly, when I crawled out of bed this morning, I was dressed in multi-layers of undies, shorts, pants, two shirts, two pairs of socks and MY JACKET! No wonder I was dying of heat prostration. Luckily, I packed a vod/iced tea bottle to alleviate that when I woke up.
Hey! Maybe this is how hobos start wearing multiple clothes, not enough room in the back pack!
I have abandoned my plans to become a hobo for now but at least I know what to pack.