Title: Black Magic White Lies
moscow_watcherChapter 1 - In which Xander discovers a secret
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a part of a big fat conspiracy
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Suspected that was the case!
Points at the title of the next chapter and whistles innocently... :)))
Hmmm. Nice start.
Thank you!
The only suspect I can think of
*evil cackle*
The good news is that the rough draft is finished. I couldn't start posting before I finish because I was constantly rewriting bits in the earlier chapters to cork up numerous plot holes in the later chapters. Now the storytelling part is over, hopefully - although one of my betas recently baffled me with a question "How does she know that he..." - etc. Now I'm mostly torturing my betas with character voices and general style. I hope to post a chapter a week.
Thank you. An appreciation of a Faith/Xander writer means a lot to me.
oblique angle on the revelations
These ain't revelations yet. It's just warming up.
Xander's inner thoughts were intriguing.
I hope I don't write him OOC. Xander voice was the hardest part of the project. I started writing this fic because I wanted to get into his mind and soul - to understand him better. I can only hope I could give him his dues without Marty-Stuing him.
Always like seeing Willow use her computer skills.
Um... OK, I will keep my mouth shut. I will only say that this scene gives the impetus to the chain of events and some of the consequences won't be revealed until the last chapter.
Plotty Moscow Watcher is as good as Comedy Moscow Watcher :)
Thank you!
Plotty Moscow Watcher is as good as Comedy Moscow Watcher :)
Recently I realised, much to my frustration, that I just can't write a serious story about Buffy and Spike or Buffy and Angel. I can't bring myself to torture them seriously. And, since good writing always implies torturing your heroes, I tried to torture them light-heartedly. But I wanted to explore season 5 mythology in a more serious story - and Xander seemed a perfect candidate for the lead role.
I hope I won't dissappoint.
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