During recent discussions of miscommunication in Buffyverse fandom several people spoke about Twitter as a great means to spread fandom news. I decided to make an experiment. I created a Twitter account
Buffyfanfiction and from now on I'm going to post links to Buffy fanfics there.
I admit that know next-to-nothing about Twitter. My impression is that it's text messaging that goes directly online. My own take on text messaging is the following: people engage in this activity either when they need to pass some information that has to be precise (e-mail address, f.ex.) or when they are bored (in a traffic jam, on a pointless briefing, waiting for their turn in the queue). So, they switch on Twitter and read messages from friends, as well as twittered and re-twittered news.
So I wonder if a Twitter account with links to fanfic could help people to find reading material and I want to check it.
I've created two accounts - my
personal account, where I going to follow Buffyverse celebrities and maybe communicate with my fandom friends (although I find boards and LJ more preferable form of communication) and
Buffyfanfiction account, where I'm going to post links and maybe very short descriptions of the fics. Objective: to gauge Twitter users' interest to BtVS fanfiction.
One may argue that
SU-Herald Twitter has been created exactly for that purpose. I agree, but there is a little difference. SU-Herald links go to the LJ posts with other links. Buffyfanfiction links go directly to a fanfic page. Twitter users don't need to click one more time. Besides, every Buffyfanfiction post has key words like "Buffy", "Spike", etc. So if Twitter users search for "Buffy" they won't find SU-Herald, but they will certainly find Buffyfanfiction - who, in turn, follows SU-Herald.
I repeat that it's just an experiment. I'm only doing it because it won't take me much time, as I already
post fic recs on my home board almost daily. Buffyfanfiction won't be following anybody except
SU_Herald's tweets - only because it can direct Twitter users there. I don't know how many links I will be providing daily or weekly and I ask my gentle readers not to be offended if I don't include their fic. Because it's just an attempt to figure out if Twitter is worth the effort.
I realize that the name Buffyfanfiction sounds too... well... universal. That it implies all-embracing, comprehensive list of fanfics of every genre and every pairing, and of, course, I can't provide that. But if Twitter will prove being worth it, we'll figure out something.
It just occured to me: is there anything resembling LJ communities on Twitter? So that several people could post in the same place?