Our fandom is such a generous and rewarding community. Recently I've got so many awards and nominations that it's a bit scary. Being a Joss fan, I wonder - where's the catch?
My story
"Black Magic White Lies" is the runner-up
White Knight Awards in World Without Shrimp (best AU) category. The winner in this category is
Longest. Day. Ever by
Shadowscast, and I say - read it. Now. Seriously, it's a masterpiece - and I don't use such words lightly.
(yes, I remember that I promised a sequel to "Black Magic"; I wrote about a half of the story and I wrote what I think will be the final paragraph; I hope to get back to that story as soon as season 8 ends and stops eating my brain).
Meanwhile, I was nominated for
Running With Scissors Award. My old Spangel fic
Lovers Un-Walk was nominated in "Stakes and Chains" [Slash] category; my new Buffy/Angel story
Plastic Spoon in "Doomed" [Het] category, and
a couple of my Spuffy icons were nommed in the art category.
My new fic
Ladies Prefer Blondes, written for
Seasonal_Spuffy was nominated for
Sunnydale Memorial Awards in several categories: Best Author, Best Comedy, Best Pairing (conventional), Best Plot, Best Post-Series Finale Fic.
And, last, but not least, my very old Spuffy icon won in the current round of
No Rest for the Wicked Awards
while my equally old Bangel fic
A Ghost Story ended up the runner-up in the category "I Was Made To Love You" (best romance/fluff).
I'm overwhelmed. Thank you, guys. I'm very grateful to the wonderful people who run the award communities, to those who nominated me and voted for me; to the fans who read and comment on my stories, fanart and reviews; to all the people who write and debate about Buffyverse on LJ and forums. Even those who disagree with me and argue against my views, I'm grateful to you, because our arguments keep the fire burning, keep the interest alive. You're a bunch of incredibly erudite, talented and generous people.