The main complaints against Angel's arc I saw online boil down to two claims: a) Angel is out of character and b) to service Buffy's journey, Angel is destroyed.
Judging by Jeanty's Q&As, Angel's arc in season 8 is over. He won't be in #40. It's time to sum up his story. What the hell has happened to him?
Angel, Joss way )
Comments 94
And about Whistler, PTB and Twilight I think they are emanations of one and the same hight power - a brand new universe who wanted to born and who wanted a soul, well, to steal the soul of the old universe... and that twilight higher power has chosen Angel to do that dirty work.
I think Angel has been duped and mislead from the very beginning. These hight powers pointed out on his champion ego - you know they made him first to help to the crashing plane. And I think all these years Whistler and PTB were training Angel like their obedient dog. Remember who has shown Buffy to Angel - Whistler. I wouldn't be surprised if all Bangel thing is a product of a destined breeding plan, i.e. Buffy and Angel fell in love in the beginning because they were destined to do that, not because their free wills...I thought about that option, too. That in season 9 Joss will retcon his universe once again and explain that Angel was manipulated by Whistler since their first encounter ( ... )
I know that debates like these went ugly - I had a similar debate with an Angel's fan (can you guess who ? ;)) over the IDW forum. Actually I'm not accusing Buffy into anything, Angel is responsible for everything, Buffy's only guilt is that she believed in his lies... and jumped in his arms like a silly teenager...
I know that Hitler was into occult, but I didn't know details. Interesting parallel, good food for thought/
In my country, Bolsheviks fought agaist occultism - at least that's what we were told. Right now, occult stuff is very popular in Russia.
Thank you!
Part of this season's view of Angel is that the heroic sheen has been removed or amped up to 11. But in the process a lot of his actual personality and canniness (Angel is a moron sometimes, but he's often quite bright) has been taken away. The season plays a lot with skewed perspectives, so I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing; it's been pointed out that Angel's page in 37 is him living out his own fantasy.
I have a lot of issues with the scene where he tries to seduce Buffy with the idea of them living their dreams in paradise. I really don't know if these scenes seem false to me because I don't ship Buffy/Angel post season 3. Maybe because we're supposed to think that it's the unholy glow speaking for them, instead ot their real personalities.
But there is one thing for sure: I'm really, really curious about Angel's further journey.
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