bored hipster qizzes

Dec 15, 2003 10:54

You are AVIATOR GLASSES! The lights are on, but
nobody's home... and the party never stops when
you're around!

What scenester fad are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Mad Rad Hair!!
You, you're so perfect and fabulously conceited
that you have can't not show it off. Big hair,
glossy lips, song lyrics all over the place.
You can't get enough of yourself. But in a good
way, of course.

what scenester site do you belong on?
brought to you by Quizilla

mmmm no.

For lack of a better name, you're a scene point
scenester. You've been there since the
beginning and you're most likely in your 20s by
now. Most people probably think you're an
elitist, but really you just know more than
they do. Right? The question is, how long
before this gets old?

What Type of Scenester Are You?
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You are Walls Of Jericho. You are a female fronted
hardcore band and proud of it. You are one of
the few in the scene and stay true.

Which scene band are you?
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You're an official hipster! You're a pretentious
snob who thinks she's better than everybody
else. Congratulations!

The Ultimate Hipster Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

who knew

Your ideal is Anthony Michael Hall! You will boldly
go behind the nerdy facade to discover an
intelligent guy whose not afraid to be the big
dork that he is. Way to not be shallow!

What 80's hipster are you destined for?
brought to you by Quizilla

weeeeeeeeee! revenge of the nerds!

100% hip

what is your hipster rating?
brought to you by Quizilla

ha...i know.
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