1. Aaahhhhh, I'm sick; apparently I'm allergic to something, but we don't know what yet. Took a bunch of blood tests today to determine what I'm allergic to. Hopefully I'm not allergic to anything winter related, because winter is oh-so-pretty with snow and all.
2. While on the topic of winter, there's supposed to be a crazy snow storm Tuesday-Wednesday. Maybe this time it will actually reach northern New Jersey! While the Southern states have like 2ft of snow, up here we have nothing, it's pretty depressing.
3. Also, I think exercising too much screwed-up my hormone levels? I didn't know that could happen. I guess I'll stick with cardio for a while, even though it's boring and won't do machines for a while or something like that.
4. I've been feeding my
mblaq bias with the help of youtube; they're so funny.