Stolen from
korth_dono cause i'm procrastinating going to work :u
1. Go to Google and type, "You know you're from (your city or state) when...." (hit "I'm feeling lucky")
2. Cut and paste the list.
3. Bold the items that apply to you
- The fact that the German Village Oktoberfest is in September (and not in German Village...) seems perfectly normal.
- You beam with pride that we're the hometown of Wendy's, White Castle, Rax Roast Beef, Bob Evans and & Donato's. But you wonder why we're the 8th fattest city in America.
- You remember very vividly City Center & Northland.
(I worked at CityCenter before it died.. TWICE!)
- You know how to pronounce Scioto and Olentangy.
- You go to The Memorial Tournament at Muirfield just to see and be seen, and you've been rained on there at least once.
- You see nothing unusual about a street being called East North Broadway.
- You live in the suburbs but your backyard was actually a cornfield last year. That complex on the corner with the CVS, Blockbuster and Kroger? That was a cornfield last year, too!
- As you lament the loss of all those cornfields, you see the infinite wisdom of Dublin City Council, who spent over $60,000 on a field of 10' concrete corn ears.
- You know all of the 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Construction.
Don't forget OMG going to die muggy summer.
- You drive 3 hours to see Red White & Boom for 15 minutes...and 4 hours back. But you live 12 minutes away.
- You know what a real buckeye is and have a recipe for the candy ones.
- You take it for granted that screaming "O-H"...anytime, anywhere...will get a reply from a stranger saying "I-O"!
Fuck I hate when people do this >.<
- You don't consider it terribly strange that The Dispatch covers national and international news in a page or two...but requires 6 pages for sports (and 3 of those just for the Bucks).
- You consider going to the Zoo in winter VERY normal...and we're talking real and snow and stuff...not just the month of December. And you stopped noticing Jack Hanna's lisp years ago.
- You have a Buckeye necklace.
- You think 45 degree weather is justification enough to stop through the car wash!
- You call it pop. Soda is for weirdos.
No It's Soda....
- You get chills when you hear Carmen Ohio.
- You know that Wyandot Lake is NOT a body of water, and Mad River Mountain is not really a mountain.
- You say Kroger's...although proper english would be Kroger.
- You can see a building downtown...but you can't get there due to 500 million one-way streets!
I can navigate downtown quite easily, thank you very much!
- You consider this weather pretty much normal:
Monday: 30 degrees Tuesday: 70 degrees Wednesday: 45 degrees and humid Thursday: -10 wind chill Friday: 80 degrees and sunny
- Though there's not a snowball's chance...the guys like to pretend that all those Victoria's Secret models actually live here, just because the company's based here.
- You take it as a matter of fact that if you don't like the weather today...stick around, it'll change!
- One out of every 5 cars has something Buckeye on it.
- You remember Flippo and Luci's Toy Shop
- Your big Christmas event as a kid was seeing the window decorations and visiting Santa at Downtown Lazarus
- You were surprised that there is ANOTHER Hoover Dam in the country
- You know full well that people drive 10 mph with the first dusting of snow and 65 mph with 2 feet of snow
- You've never even stopped to question the fact that a bunch of businesses close down on every OSU football game day.
- You know what The Hospital Curve is
- You think the standard protocol for a tornado warning grab lawn chairs and head for the front porch.
- You drive down 670 with your windows open to smell the fresh bread from the Wonder Bread factory and the cinnamon rolls from the Kroger bakery
Used to.. the wonder Bread factory is closed now.
- You think there's nothing strange about the city of Westerville being Northeast of Columbus
- You're fully confident that the word Columbus should always be followed by Ohio