Otherwise known as, Moss watched the 100th episode of Bones last night, and is currently flailing like the fangirl she is. Yes, still. Wanna make something of it? We can take this outside.
Because lord knows, I’d never actually fight anybody. Well I mean, not unless it was in self-defense. No one ever believes me, but I can definitely take care of myself. I got all the way up to a green belt in karate. Wow, that went off-topic quickly. I am sometimes (always) easily distracted. Anyway, Bones. Boooones. Bones. BONES. BOOOONES.
…In case you missed it, I’d like to talk about Bones.
Living in Canada sure has its perks. Not only do us Canadians have Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue as our national symbol of adorable (please allow me to momentarily direct your attention
here), but we’re also lucky enough to preview Bones episodes a day early. Once upon a time, this would have made me happy because y’know, Bones was the show I most looked forward to in the week. Recently however, I was enjoying it because there is way too much awesome on tv Thursday nights, and it’s better to spread it across the week.
And then last night happened.
Ok, so I know the episode was not perfect. There were some consistency problems that annoyed me, and in spite of how much I loved the side part back in season one, I wasn’t really feeling Booth’s hair in the flashbacks. None of that matters anymore though, oh no.
Because of That Scene.
You know the one I’m talking about. Or if you don’t, you sure will sooner or later. As soon as I watched the ending, the rest of the episode just flew right out of mind. I’m not even kidding when I tell you I can barely remember what else happened.
Hmm, actually that might not be true. I know there was a kiss. And some aggressive! Brennan. Oh, and my bb Zack (<3) made an appearance. Other than that though, it’s all kind of a vague blur. Why? Oh, I’m so glad you asked. I mean, I was going to tell you anyway, but it’s nice that you’re interested. Because, well.
You guys, I have not been this emotional over a Bones episode in a really, really long time. I just…idk how you could not be, not after that gorgeous, beautiful, absolutely heart wrenching last scene. Look, I know that probably a lot of fans might be pissed over this. After all, here was a golden opportunity to throw Booth and Brennan together, to give them a real shot. And they blew it. The writers found yet another way to keep them apart for as long as possible. You know what though? I quite honestly don’t care. Because the way in which it was done felt so real. Brennan she’s just not a relationship person, not yet. And this, y’know, this is exactly how she should have reacted.
She didn’t reject Booth because she isn’t in love with him. In my opinion, she’s been aware of her feelings for a long time now (since at least Mayhem on the Cross, but that’s a whole other story). She refuses him because she’s afraid, so very afraid. And I don’t think that makes her a coward, not at all. Her immediate concern is for him. Brennan is afraid of hurting Booth, of not being able to be who he wants and/or needs her to be. She doesn’t ever say that she can’t be with him, just that she doesn’t know how. And that folks, is completely and totally heartbreaking. Here is a woman who wants so badly to believe in the idea of love, and here is a man who is more than willing to help her try, and she turns him down because she’s worried that she isn’t capable of making him happy.
And you know what else? I truly believe that her severe abandonment issues come into play in this situation as well. Yes, she wants to protect him from herself, but she also wants to keep herself guarded. It seems to me that Brennan is afraid that she won’t be enough for Booth, and that in the end, he will leave her just like everyone else always did. Now, as the audience, we all know that this is nowhere near true. Booth is likelier to die, than ever put Brennan through that again (hence, why he will continue to work with her, even after she shattered his - and hers, and ours - heart). She, however, is just so scared of losing him that she tries to circumvent any possibility of that happening, by keeping their relationship “professional” (oh my god, her faaaaaaaaace after she asks if they can still work together. It’s so desperately pleading). It’s just…it’s really sad, y’all.
Also, I feel compelled to give mad, MAD props to Emily Deschanel for this scene. David Boreanaz was great too, but Emily really knocked it out of the park. You could just FEEL every inch of Brennan’s pain, see that it was KILLING her to push him away. Her facial expressions, her tears, the quietly relieved “thank you”, and most of all, the utterly broken “I know” after Booth’s statement of moving on…my heart just ached for her. I looked at my roommate helplessly, and sputtered nonsense at her, while she tried to reassure me. Honestly though, I don’t need reassuring. There’s no doubt in my mind that Booth/Brennan is canon, it’s just a matter of time. And this episode, this SCENE is only going to make the ride more interesting.
Ok, so that was really long winded. tl;dr - tears. TEARS streaming down mah face. On a happier, completely unrelated note, Glee premieres in 5 days! How excited are we?