Jan 09, 2012 00:12
Hello and welcome to all the new characters and players! You've arrived just in time to witness the fall of civilized society!
As we all know, Thor is caught in orbit around a big scary black hole, this month, and we've no idea whether we will all be sucked in (and wind up on Dreamwidth) or somehow escape. It may very well be, as far as our characters know, the End of the World!
And, what happens at the End of the World? Everything goes crazy! Laws are broken without looking back! Doomsday cults drink poison koolaid! People throw wild parties with loud music and drinking and gambling and sex! There are riots and looting and mayhem! Every gif in existence involving giving no fucks is used!
So, I have gotten permission from the mods to turn this into a bit of a plot.
Over the course of the month, I will be putting up three open group logs for people to play in, and naturally if you wanna take the idea and run with it in your own posts, please feel free.
First post will be this Tuesday (Jan 10th), marking a rise in doomsday cult activity (be it the black hole cult in the Lightning Post, or any other cults you feel like making up for your own purposes) petty crimes, and the general first stirrings of the storm.
Second post will be Monday the 16th. Bigger crime and wild partying in the streets as everyone tries to get in every vice and experience they can while they're alive to feel it!
And the 3rd post will be Friday the 20th, marking the start of rioting and panic and chaos.
Yes/Very Yes?