Before anything, we owe you guys an apology. Unfortunately, due to extensive circumstances involving the equivalent of several personal apocalypses, we weren't able to do the Activity Check for March. That was completely on us [M-me (Sheepi) in particular. So you know who to aim your collective rage at!] and we're going to take measures to make sure this doesn't happen again.
In order to try and balance this out, we're going to be lenient when it comes to March's activity along with April's, since there was no real warning to tell you guys "YO. Y'ALL ABOUT TO GET BOOTED." If you think you may have been in the red for March, just post whatever activity you've managed to do in April and we'll count that as an okay-- we're trying to reward effort in this way.
We've also cleared out the obvious idle-outs (ie: those who haven't posted since February).
Be prepared for a bit more modspam in the next couple of days!
Again, we're really, really sorry, and we won't let this happen again.
Copy and paste the following form below into comments. Remember, we're looking for one thread in which TWENTY COMMENTS BELONG TO YOUR CHARACTER. This is to be used in place of ONE [(1) (uno) (un)(一)] POST.
Please keep in mind that in all threads must be between different characters. In other words, if I choose to have a 20 comment thread with A, I cannot use any threads with A in the future. Next check I'll have to show a thread with B, next time C, and so on and so forth.
To review, here's what the current requirement list is:
x) 2 normal posts
x) 1 normal post, 1 log
x) 1 normal post, 20 comments
We'll leave this open and valid until MAY 5TH. However we will not accept any posts that are dated later than APRIL 30TH. The only people exempt from sending us links are those on hiatus, and we'll check for them. GET CRACKIN'
Questions and comments may go below! Thanks for reading, guys!