(no subject)

Dec 02, 2009 01:32


We're on a roll with pummeling you guys with mod announcements, ain't we? 8D;

Please, be sure to go through this list!!! There are also a couple of extra notes inside that I ask EVERYBODY read!

Needed one Post
Latvia [Raivis Galante] // shakesinbed
England [Arthur Kirkland] // thissceptrdisle
Will Stanton // beyondimagining
Haine Rammsteiner // mcpistolwhip
Maes Hughes // click_pictures
Axel // flamesilocks
Gaignun Kukai Jr. (Rubedo) //reconciledtwins
Estellise Sidos Hurassein // marchewaltz
Amaterasu // agrestal

Needed both Posts

HT Masuoka // isntitluscious
Mithos Yggdrassil // imnotmithos
Sanada Akihiko // and_my_fists
Yosuke Hanamura // headphoneshero

Failed two month's posting requirements

Matsumoto Rangiku // moar_sake_plz
Miles Edgeworth // augh_plywood
Claire Bennet // ow_my_toe
Skeets // autographsir
Ichihara Yuuko // wish_butterfly
Uchiha Sasuke // stormscoming
Bunny // mrbunnsy
Tamaki Suoh // princeofwoe
Chie Satonaka // steaks_ftw

For the people who needed one post this month, you can make up for it by posting three posts next month. If you needed two, you will need four posts next month. However, if you think you're on this list by mistake, throw me a link to your posts and I'll fix it right away. :D

(Note: You need two posts each month. They can be either one post and one log, or two posts, but not two logs.)

Unfortunately, the characters who failed two months' posting requirements are considered to have idled out and will be removed from the game. If that applies to you and you think you have a valid excuse, contact us about it! We're fairly easygoing about that kind of thing.


Good ungodly hour of the morning/evening, MH! Today we're going to do a quick run-through concerning TAGS!

When posting to gargleblasted and stop_panicking, please be sure to tag your posts properly! For the main community [gargleblasted], use your character's full name, even if they have only one. If they have more than one, pick one of them, and stick to it! For the log community [stop_panicking], tag the entry with all characters who are involved in the log-- if it's an open log and you're joining in, make sure to tag the entry with your character's name!

Also on the subject of tags-- spamming mostly_ooc with ooc tags is more than okay! However, we'd like to ask that you not spam with ooc tags in gargleblasted and stop_panicking, just to keep things neat and clean. ;__; Sorry to be stingy about this, but it really does make a difference when we have to do activity checks!

!important, !activity check, !mod post

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